Black dog hunt (look after your mates)
So I was meant to be at Owen's memorial this weekend, leave booked well in advance, approval from her who must be obeyed granted etc etc.
Then a week ago one of my closest mates told me he was struggling with a few things that are going on in his life and he was fighting "the black dog"
We talked about what was going on, I listened and reassured him everything would be OK eventually even though things right now were a bit shit (or a lot shit).
In the end I asked him was there anything I could do to help him ? He said he's been stinging to get out in the hills for a hunt but wasn't in a space were he wanted to be alone, he then told me he had booked a weekend up on a station in the Mt Sumner area for the following weekend but was having second thoughts as previously mentioned he didn't want to be alone with his problems.
He then asked if I would come. Well immediately I said of course as that's what mates do. When I got home later to check the planner I realized the clash :oh noes: couldn't really pull out on my mate as he's the kinda guy that would only ask if he really needed the company (we have a very close relationship and know that one only needs to ask and support will be given).
Sorry jakewire but knowing you I'm sure you'll forgive me.
So Friday rolls around and I get up and get packed anticipating a couple nights in the tent and some character building walks and talks, picked up another mutual good mate and we head off towards Lake Sumner. It was a bit of an awkward trip up, not much talk, it was obvious something was up as normally when the 3 of us are together it's all banter and bullshit :D