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Night Vision NZ Ammo Direct

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    NRT is offline
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    Dec 2011

    blooding the new scope

    Attachment 2418Attachment 2419Have put a new scope on the 223,BC at the other pub gave a heads up on a weaver vari power with illuminated dot on german post .Very nice wee scope had to get new 30 mm rings to fit it,got that sorted then sighted it in with hornady training ammo first time i have used that was happy with clover grouping at 60 yards .Now to go blood it, family have a batch with good hunting from the back door.Climbed up into the hills a couple of ks away nothing seen for a couple of hours ,then spotted a smallish pig moving quickly down a rather steep face across the ridge i was on ,it was action stations quickly so found a stump to shoot off .Waited for it to stop walking and lined up on its shoulder and fired ,heard a solid hit but it waddled off and within a second it was out of view into a native bush gully straight below me .Climbed down into the creek below and started looking for ,when all of a sudden could her a animal moving ,thinking it was me pig wounded ran down to wher i thought the noise was to see a couple of good size piglets on the move foolishly was stopped so a shot to the neck had it rolling down to meet me in the creek.A quick gut and carry to a suitable tree to hang over night as i was starting to run out of day light Back up stream to start looking for 1st pig after a bit of thinking and searching i found it stone dead in creek it had only gone 15 yards ,with no blood trail at all to follow was rather lucky it didnt go to far.It was a rather large sow of 100 ish pounds ,a lot bigger then i thought from the start ,i ranged it to where i shot from and it was 210 yards .While gutting it i noticed good damaged to the shoulder so was impressed with the ammo normally reload but 50 rounds for 35 dollars makes it a rather cheap options.[Attachment 2417Attachment 2418Attachment 2419]2417[/ATTACH] piglet got spit roasted on friday night went down a treat



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