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Thread: Bracken: Switzerland, America and New Zealand – The Kiwi is Low-Hanging Fruit

  1. #1
    Member nevada's Avatar
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    Bracken: Switzerland, America and New Zealand – The Kiwi is Low-Hanging Fruit

    Thought you guys would find this interesting or aggravating.

    New Zealand is frequently mentioned as an emigration destination by American freedomistas* fearful of being trapped between our burgeoning federal police state, and the intertwining forces of social disintegration. Locations from the Bahamas to Patagonia are named, but I hear New Zealand in everybody’s top three. And in the present era, New Zealand does indeed have many desirable qualities. But what will keep New Zealand both safe and free when global conditions turn Macro Mad Max, or World War Three breaks out? Certainly not its own military forces, which independent of outside help, could not repel an invasion from Liechtenstein.

    Certainly not alliances with Australia and the United States, both of which will have numerous more pressing emergencies to deal with before coming to the rescue of New Zealand. Imagine the United States and Australia at war with a loose axis of Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. What forces would be left over to send on an expedition to New Zealand? None, at least not in the only time frame that would matter, the first month after the invasion.


    But this is a case where the Kiwis will be done in by their notions of political correctness, and the innate optimism springing from their many cultural and geographical blessings. New Zealand, with the scrapping of its last significant military forces, has signaled to the world that it is relying solely on a spirit of brotherly love and Kumbaya Karma to protect itself from future outside aggression. Surely, many Kiwis believe, if we signify only good intentions, harmony, sweetness and light outward to the world, the world will always look back at us with love and respect, and certainly will never harm us.

    In time, this naive belief may be the undoing of New Zealand society and mark the beginning of the Chinese era on Aotearoa, “the Land of the Long White Cloud” in Maori. From the first hour that unscheduled roll-on/roll-off ships sail into a dozen ports and each unload hundreds of wheeled armored assault vehicles, the invasion will be successful, because there will be no significant means of repelling it at any level. Light infantry in fast wheeled armor will have control of every major city on both islands by D-day plus one.


    In the 21st century, the protection of vast oceanic distance has been rendered meaningless when any dozen Ro/Ro ships, protected by warships and naval air cover, could be used to swiftly disembark troops and fighting vehicles. The cost of invading New Zealand will be so negligibly low that the Kiwi must be considered the juiciest, sweetest, and lowest-hanging fruit of all time. Consider that the coastal provinces of China have over ten times the population density of New Zealand to understand how desirable it will be as a Chinese military outpost and colony. Ad-hoc Kiwi teams of kayakers, zip-liners, sailors, surfers, sky and scuba divers will not slow down battalions of light infantry in wheeled fighting vehicles. A Kalashnikov-armed squad of conscripted peasants will wipe out a similar number of university graduates wielding only cricket bats and canoe paddles every time.


    If the new overlords choose to eliminate the vanquished as superfluous to their colonial aims, then the Kiwis will be marched at gunpoint to their mass-graves singing Kumbaya and saying, “At least we stood firmly against a culture of gun violence.”


  2. #2
    Member Daggers_187's Avatar
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    This is some tinfoil hat stuff.....
    res likes this.

  3. #3
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    All the rattle gun guys on here will protect us

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Where does the author come up with this stuff?

    Liechtenstein doesn't have an army.

    PLAN (Chinese navy) has 1 x conventionally powered operational aircraft carrier that they bought, half-complete from India, who in turn bought it from Ukraine (IIRC) and no experience in carrier-based force projection and virtually no experience in fixed wing carrier operations.

    The USN has 10 x nuclear powered aircraft carriers and another 2 (I think) under construction, each is much bigger and carry far more aircraft than their Chinese counterpart. Not to mention that the USN has close to 100 years of experience in carrier operations. Hmmm, I know who I'd pick to prevail if it became a shooting war.

    NZ army has light infantry and fast armoured vehicles of its own, not to mention that it's manned by professional soldiers - not conscripts.

  5. #5
    Member nevada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Where does the author come up with this stuff?
    He is hardcore

    Matthew Bracken is a patriot from the Free Republic forums and former Navy SEAL who has written several self published novels.
    Enemies Foreign and Domestic
    Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista
    Foreign Enemies and Traitors
    Bracken's novels are part of a recent glut of self-published apocalypse fiction incorporating libertarian, populist, survivalist, xenophobic and ultra-conservative themes and rhetoric. Bracken is strictly a conservative, although due to the genre he is writing in his books are unfortunately read by the same people who eagerly devour the obscure novels by John Ross, Neo Andersen, Boston T. Party, David Crawford and James Wesley Rawles. The typical reader of this sort of fiction is someone with libertarian leanings who doesn't entirely "get" libertarianism (especially its non-violent aspects, its liberal positions on social issues, and its wonky roots in Austrian economic theory), and conflates it on several points with militarism, nationalism and nativism.
    In short, Mr. Bracken can be called the lobotomized racist's attempt to mimic Tom Clancy. He knows his audience and knows how to push all their patriotic, flag waving, paranoid, anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim, nationalist, violence-fetishist buttons. A key piece of evidence is in those dumb book titles. "Enemies", "foreign" and "traitors" are spat out as epithets and the order simply rearranged for each new book.
    On the positive side, at least Bracken's novels give these people something to read other than The Turner Diaries, and giving someone one less reason to read The Turner Diaries is probably doing society a favor, however small.

    Of course a commie wrote this biography

  6. #6
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Where does the author come up with this stuff?

    Liechtenstein doesn't have an army.

    PLAN (Chinese navy) has 1 x conventionally powered operational aircraft carrier that they bought, half-complete from India, who in turn bought it from Ukraine (IIRC) and no experience in carrier-based force projection and virtually no experience in fixed wing carrier operations.

    The USN has 10 x nuclear powered aircraft carriers and another 2 (I think) under construction, each is much bigger and carry far more aircraft than their Chinese counterpart. Not to mention that the USN has close to 100 years of experience in carrier operations. Hmmm, I know who I'd pick to prevail if it became a shooting war.

    NZ army has light infantry and fast armoured vehicles of its own, not to mention that it's manned by professional soldiers - not conscripts.
    1R? professional ? cough,cough,choke! - 2/1 is our only hope, anyhow...... China WILL turn NZ into a Chinese satellite farm without firing a shot, they will use MMP against us, at some point the Chinese in NZ, will have their vote organised by the Chinese govt to get the necessary influence in parliament, to open the immigration laws a little more, then use increased numbers to gain a little more influence to open the immigration door a little more, by playing the long game, they will eventually BECOME the bloody government here, without firing a shot, all nice and legal - Currently the Chinese population outnumbers the maori and pacific islander numbers combined in Auckland, you think the Chinese govt DOESN'T think about that stuff as they buy their way into the pacific and Africa as we speak?
    Happy and nevada like this.

  7. #7
    308 is offline
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    No politics or religion

    And right here is one stinking fat turd of a reason why

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    What a complete and total pile of rubbish.

  9. #9
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Id better buy some more super cheap chinese 7.62 x 39 ammo.....kill the bastards with their own ammo....now thats irony.....
    nevada and kidmac42 like this.
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  10. #10
    Member nevada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    No politics or religion

    And right here is one stinking fat turd of a reason why

  11. #11
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Watching The Walking Dead last night (Every episode in the 5 series so far to be honest). I know what we are in for and what we need to do. I think I need more ammo
    POME and nevada like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    This is shit... Mods pls lock it


  13. #13
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Matthew Bracken is an insane rightwing nut job and a totally talentless hack of a writer

    please don't post this garbage here, or anywhere
    veitnamcam, 308 and res like this.

  14. #14
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    I have trouble deciding if insane right wing nut jobs balance out the insane left wing nut jobs, or if both make each worse.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sako75 View Post
    Watching The Walking Dead last night (Every episode in the 5 series so far to be honest). I know what we are in for and what we need to do. I think I need more ammo
    And a boat, why does nobody in zombie movies ever just steal a boat. Problem solved.

    Geography is our primary defense. There is no tactical advatage to conquering us
    sako75 likes this.



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