Was great to get out for a hunt after all this lock down.
Didnt want travel far due to the restrictions so went to a handy spot i go to once in awhile when i really want see a deer.
On the way to the spot saw two good size deer feeding on some private land only 50 m from the road. Drove past them and they wander off.
Arrive at my spot and straight away theres fresh pig rooting next to the car. Didnt see any pigs close by so headed off into the native.
Only went 20 mins tops, had to change the plan for the hunt as the wind was blowing the wrong way so headed left instead of my normal route right.
As i was just standing there it just happened to be there was 2 deer standing looking at me only 60 yards away. They were in a dip and only there heads showing but i just didnt see them.
It was only when one turned its head when they went to move i saw them but it was too late then and didnt get a clean shot.....bugger.
Awhile later, enjoying being out in the bush i saw another deer, further up around 80 yards away. It was looking at me broadside on but the problem i had i was in waist high fern and it was steep.
I knew it was about to bugger off and had it in the crosshairs but wasnt the steady shot i would like but decided i have a crack....Boom the 243 goes and the deer just stool there.
OOps, missed it, reloaded and it may have heard the bolt or maybe it just thought it was time to go and within a few steps it was gone into the thick bush.
Mmm....lows of bush stalking right there but it happens.
Decided i climb real high and look for a stag on the tops. 30 mintues later saw some pigs in the fern and they hadnt noticed me.
One sow had some piglets in tow so decided i wouldnt shoot that one, looked around 60lb but looked skinny.
Saw another pig heading toward me so got really if it was big enough. As i was standing there i saw a third pig lying down, only saw its ears but i thought it could be of some size.
Suddenly the pig walking straight for me come into full view about 20 yards away, looked ok so i shot that.
With the shot the bigger pig stool up and ran 30 yards and stopped. Saw it was a decent size so shot that too.
The other sow ran off but left the piglets behind and i ran down alittle to get a picture and they just walked right up to me before they buggered of in the direction the other pig went.
Oh well, bit gutted about the deer, missed my chances there but always good to see some .
Least got some pork and took the legs of the smaller one and took 2 hours to get the other pig out , took my tme and it was down hill most of the way.
Still, great to get out again..