I like this one. The expressions on the deer faces are great.
I like this one. The expressions on the deer faces are great.
Thats a real work of art.
Wish i could draw like that, i drew a cat for the kids as part of a school project and.....well...... Had the project been about Tasmanian Devil/Hyena crossbreeds i might have got away with it.........
Yes it is a talent alright this drawing ...The story behind this cartoon is Jim was going through his head shooting stage. If you knew Jim he would jump out of the page at you. The sako with a kahles scope, the rolled up shorts, the sun visor, the Boar war cartiridge pouches. Even the knife I recognise as an old table knife that Jim bound wooden handles on.
This one is pretty well explains itself
I see this thread has been brought back 5 years later.
The style is like Stag Spooner's collection. He was from an earlier generation so it must be a traditional format in NZ.
I remember finding a goat like this one day. I despatched it with my knife while it was hanging by one leg. Took the tail too. I thought it was a stroke of rare luck but apparently it's all been seen before ....
These pics were working now they are not? Anyone else having problems viewing them?
A handy Dog
A wet month and to much fly camping so his tails were never dried property
This one belongs here.
A wet month in the NW Ruahines
I have dragged these old cartoons around the country for forty years now and never really had a chance to show them to many people.
I am glad I could show them to youse all.
Those were the days my friends those were the days.