You could get a floor for the original Huntecs. I got caught out badly once up the Umukarikari when the weather turned 90 degrees and blasted into the front door. But that aside they were a good light shelter. Part of our hunting culture now.
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You could get a floor for the original Huntecs. I got caught out badly once up the Umukarikari when the weather turned 90 degrees and blasted into the front door. But that aside they were a good light shelter. Part of our hunting culture now.
I took mine for 2 wapiti ballots . roomy , but not very sandfly proof.
Thanks guys for the answers, never been a bivi person so all good info,,,,, thanks
Look like a great trip mate, cheers for the write up.
Good company, nice journey, good harvest, great story! Makes me check ticket prices again. :)
Thanks @Josan, you and your family are always welcome.