OK I shall answer just this little bit.....
now lets say for just one minute your right......and lets say there is bits of embrio in coca cola
lets say there is 1ml per litre...thats 1/1000th fair enough???? for lack of a given amount lets just run with that one for now....fair enough????
comes from kidneys you say???? fair enough...this far down rabbit hole we may as well look a bit further..... each kidney will weigh maybe 25grms..IN TOTAL....working on a sheeps one being about 150ish grms.... so lets say thats 50grms total per fetus...and lets pretend that the "big bad people" get 5 grms of the good stuff out of each fetus
with me so far???? or have you lost your dinner....
so thats 1/1000th by weight and the big bad people extract 5 grms per fetus.....
well back when I worked in freight industry,I delivered 27 TON of coca cola to Twizel supermarket for Christmas rush..that was the old LITTLE supermarket not the new big one...... and that only one tiny supermarket in tiny wee New Zealand.would need 27 kgs worth so 5 and a bit fetus's for that ONE TRUCK... and we dont drink as much of the fizzy stuff as the USA ....... so do the maths @Lurch...seriously DO THE MATHS
even if my rough figures are out by huge margain..do the maths..it JUST DOESNT STACK UP......
and this has NOTHING to do with climate....
the earth is continually changing..always has done....40 days n 40 nights ring any bells??? how about the sea shell fossils up on mountain tops????
the swamp kauri and the petrified logs too.... something changed to make them do that...
here in NZ the canterbury plains....the rivers once wandered all over them..NOBODY can deny that,you just need to look at it from above...so where did all the water come from???? why dont we still get it??
it changes....always has .always will.
you say in your 5th from bottom line something rather insiteful.......do the maths on the coca cola and then re read that line.