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Thread: Climate

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    As much as it annoys a lot of people i find these type of threads facinating its interesting seeing all the different views. Im interested how some people arrive at their conclusions but its generally seen as an attack if you ask them..

  2. #227
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Paste that lot into a F A license application and see how far you get.
    I thought we are all supposed to celebrate diversity? Or is that just in some things?
    Maca49 likes this.

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    The generation who don't know what gender they are? that one?
    You really are planning on winging it,aren't you.
    Glad some have had a look for themselves,dunno how much fact is gleaned in 2 minutes but well done.
    Biotech industry?isn't that like "medicine" and "vaccines" ?for like humans and animals?
    Different provinces may have different versions of maid.
    Anyway,got someone to do some research for themselves,no matter how cursory.
    Disappointing,but thats how we got here so no surprise.
    Yep. That one. The ones that know their Great Grandfather thought long and hard before he left his farm in Rai Valley and went off with doubt but belief to Gallipoli and then the Western Front, who left one brother at Cape Helles and another permanently damaged. The ones whose Great Uncles and Grandfathers were drafted to return to Africa, and the Pacific, and subsequently K force. The ones whose parents lived through and adapted to the very difficult economic changes of the 80's and early 90's. The ones whose previous generation have elected various Governments that have tried to do the right things in respect to Treaty of Waitangi obligations.

    So this generation are "of us" and all those who have gone before and this gives me the confidence to believe in them.

    Certain elements of mankind have always been susceptible to "false prophets" and there is no lack of both the prophets and their victims today.
    6x47, Nick-D, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  4. #229
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    can't fix the pothole or just don't?
    If you don't understand the end you may not understand the means
    Does the condition of the roads discourage you from travelling on them?
    you know,from using your car?

    The deal about maid is the verbal consent.
    No it's written informed consent

  5. #230
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by BFA View Post
    Different view= no worries. Jumping off the deep end where the world is a lie and they're out to get you= unhinged. The government can't even fix a pothole, so to think they're capable of participating in a global collaboration to control the masses gives them far to much credit.
    Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to conspiracy that which can adequately be explained by incompetence. I've worked in government for a good part of my career. I've seen a lot of incompetence, disinterest or focus on short term goals. I've seen very little long term thinking.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.

  6. #231
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    The Hill
    Brad S likes this.

  7. #232
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Eat Meater View Post
    Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to conspiracy that which can adequately be explained by incompetence. I've worked in government for a good part of my career. I've seen a lot of incompetence, disinterest or focus on short term goals. I've seen very little long term thinking.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
    The time frame for most government-led decisions is however long till the next election. Its one of the unavoidable flaws in our political system. The alternative is worse though - sure beats not having elections at all!
    Pretty sure any real conspiracies have happened when for-profit corporations have gained significant influence over government departments and decisions, in one way or another. Usually to provide an unfair advantage to themselves. Companies meddling with NZ's MPI comes to mind, or certain big pharmaceutical companies overseas meddling with government decision makers, and so on... this is why there is a strong argument for limiting government reach to its most basic functions. Not like what we have today, anywhere in the world.
    Just my opinion though, which I realize is worth nothing. My opinion changes regularly, shoulda seen it two years ago! It was a monster.
    Tahr, Tentman, Moa Hunter and 2 others like this.

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    So,no comment on my post eh?
    What a sad fearful bunch of sheep we have in NZ nowadays.
    We're allways being told it's our fault and we have to make sacrifices because of our actions.(pay most of our income in tax?)
    It wasn't our actions,no'one even asked us,the powers that we let be just decide for us then blame us
    we're motivated by fear rather than knowledge,just as planned.
    Fear and anxiety is lucsh,evil gets power from our lucsh
    No critical thought,no concept of sovereignty or freedom,programmed with propaganda,do the right thing,pay your fair share,sacrifice for the greater good.
    Who's greater good?
    You don't even know if you have an elected government or a selected corporation running NZ.
    What do you know of the formation of our country?
    Do we have a police force or a corporate policy enforcement agency?
    What is the definition of constable?
    We are living in the most exciting and dynamic time in human history and very few people even notice.
    Keep watching the "news" and msm you think it's catastrophe after catastrophe,fearporn.fearporn
    global boiling,inflation,overpopulation,pandemics,nuclear war,bla,bla,bla.
    You just getting fed line after line.
    Someone in a white coat or even just "an expert" on tv tells you any crap and you believe them
    FFs look outside your square.
    You don't even know what's in the food you eat,you have no idea what's in the drugs your doctor gives you,you have very little idea of how the world around you works.
    Just about everything you think you know has been told to you and you haven't questioned it,at all.
    Ever wondered why we have an abortion "industry"why the push for full term abortion
    If I told you ALL "vaccines" had embryonic feotal tissue in them you'll tell me I'm crazy,check it out for yourself.
    Oh yea,and the other fun stuff,like glycol?
    Do you know what HEk296 is?it's in a lot of your food,coke,pepsi,lots of proccessed crap(food).
    HEK human embryonic kidney tissue.don't believe me,do your own research and prove how crazy I am.
    You all banging on about the climate,has anyone looked in to anything I've mentioned or you just happy to parrot on what you've been told.
    Who's heard of maunchausen by proxyt?mud flood theory,tartaria?operation mocking bird?operation paperclip?operation highjump,lifelog,the gateway project,the hutchinson effect
    project looking glass,the world fairs of the early 1800's with eletric lights,moving footpaths etc?,the electric lorry fleet of london in the early 1900's.
    have you heard of canada's maid programme?
    medical assisted dying YES you read correctly.
    Over the age of 16 you can be killed within 60-90 minutes of giving verbal consent and your organs sold,
    "Doctors" are not legally allowed to deny people this "right"
    This is the sort of evil shit that is bring brought in along with the climate narrative of overpopulation climate fear
    Maybe it's real,maybe some of it's real but I'll wager most have never heard of most of the things I've listed.
    The maids thing is definately real
    Does that make it all wrong?
    Do your own research ffs and btw googling is not researching
    Maybe there is a WHOLE LOT more to the world than what you are being told.
    It's all based on free will.
    You have the free will to do your own research and find out where you really live and what is in your world and what you are really capable of
    or you can keep believing what you're told,live in fear and keep doing what you're told.
    Implementing the will of the psycopaths in the un,wef,imf,who to keep safe(and ignorant)
    What is life on earth based on?Carbon?how is carbon zero gonna work?
    No carbon based life left on earth?
    We have become out own slavemasters,acting out of ignorance and fear rather than knowledge and sovereignty.
    While I absolutely support everyones right to free speech and their own opinion,
    if you are un or misinformed you will probably make bad choices.
    Trouble is when you get scared into making bad choices and giving up your rights to keep yourself safe,you are also giving up my rights too.
    And you cant comply your way out of tyranny.
    STOP MAKING IT SO EASY for the criminals to control us

    Lets us assume for a moment Lurch that everything written above is 100% correct. How will loosing your mind with worry over it help you lead and take care of yourself and your family ? Thats what it appears to me may happen. I have a tenant who is going down the same rabbit hole and only mixing with other rabbits who are all collectively telling each other how bad it is and feeding the fear.
    The truth as I see it is that throughout human history there has always been some group or other wanting to take control over the population. Romans, Khan Dynasty, on through the British Empire, Adolf Hitler and now the UN, WHO, WEF combination. All these things come and pass away with time, it is just the cycle of human civilisation. We cant change the cycle but we can learn from history and prepare for change

  9. #234
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    I worked in Local Government for close to three decades and saw some pretty short sighted decisions, especially with underground assets which you can't see until the fail.
    To recap the nay sayers are a lost cause and Governments are unlikely to act fast or effectively enough so what are we left with. To me the answer is to build resilience into our daily lives. Vegetable gardening has been mentioned and is something I am trying to get back into. Most of us have enough ground for a small garden. Being a little less reliant on the National Grid is another. This is work in progress currently. Downsizing vehicles as they are replaced to what we need rather than what we would like and cutting down on vehicle dead running (unnecessary trips) is another. Our firewood comes from trees I planted for that purpose years ago so cartage is minimal. Any other ideas.
    Regards Grandpamac.

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Central North Island
    You have covered the basics well GPM.
    My son lives in Berlin. Everyone lives in apartments. A lot of people grow tiny little gardens in windowsill boxes, to vary up their salads. So people here saying they don't have enough room to grow stuff....

    Owning stuff that can be fixed by yourself (or look up on YT!!!) is kind of useful. Means you don't have to sign up to the throw away culture.

    A good review of your living situation can be useful: Power goes off. Can you still get water? Flush the loo?? Cook?? Heat the house???

    The bridge goes out. How long can you last at home till you need food/fuel??

    This, and many other potentials for failures is why I believe we need REAL teachers in schools. Cloning NIMROD anyone???

  11. #236
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    So,no comment on my post eh?

    Ever wondered why we have an abortion "industry"why the push for full term abortion

    Do you know what HEk296 is?it's in a lot of your food,coke,pepsi,lots of proccessed crap(food).
    HEK human embryonic kidney tissue.don't believe me,do your own research and prove how crazy I am.

    OK I shall answer just this little bit.....
    now lets say for just one minute your right......and lets say there is bits of embrio in coca cola

    lets say there is 1ml per litre...thats 1/1000th fair enough???? for lack of a given amount lets just run with that one for now....fair enough????

    comes from kidneys you say???? fair enough...this far down rabbit hole we may as well look a bit further..... each kidney will weigh maybe 25grms..IN TOTAL....working on a sheeps one being about 150ish grms.... so lets say thats 50grms total per fetus...and lets pretend that the "big bad people" get 5 grms of the good stuff out of each fetus
    with me so far???? or have you lost your dinner....
    so thats 1/1000th by weight and the big bad people extract 5 grms per fetus.....
    well back when I worked in freight industry,I delivered 27 TON of coca cola to Twizel supermarket for Christmas rush..that was the old LITTLE supermarket not the new big one...... and that only one tiny supermarket in tiny wee New Zealand.would need 27 kgs worth so 5 and a bit fetus's for that ONE TRUCK... and we dont drink as much of the fizzy stuff as the USA ....... so do the maths @Lurch...seriously DO THE MATHS
    even if my rough figures are out by huge margain..do the maths..it JUST DOESNT STACK UP......

    and this has NOTHING to do with climate....
    the earth is continually changing..always has done....40 days n 40 nights ring any bells??? how about the sea shell fossils up on mountain tops????
    the swamp kauri and the petrified logs too.... something changed to make them do that...
    here in NZ the canterbury plains....the rivers once wandered all over them..NOBODY can deny that,you just need to look at it from above...so where did all the water come from???? why dont we still get it??
    it changes....always has .always will.
    you say in your 5th from bottom line something rather insiteful.......do the maths on the coca cola and then re read that line.
    grandpamac likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  12. #237
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    Name:  iceberg.jpeg
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    tetawa, Ross Nolan, XR500 and 2 others like this.

  13. #238
    Join Date
    May 2021
    @Lurch, I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent and educated person. I read the labels on the food I buy, I have a good relationship with my doctor who has actually taken the time to explain to me how vaccines have been made in the past and the how the mrna vaccine is manufactured. I believe that stem cell research has done a lot to advance modern medicine. So many of your assumptions you make in your recent rant are in fact wrong. I am a curious person by nature so took a few seconds to look up HEK296 and found this. I have not double checked the information on here but it seems plausible:
    It is interesting that those who wish to influence the thinking of others tend to only promote the part of the picture that will generate fear or revulsion. The original cells were harvested in 1973 according to this article, and then cloned. I wonder how the cell structure may have been altered in the 50 years since. My knowledge of microbiology is extremely limited, perhaps someone can enlighten me.
    Last edited by Andygr; 02-08-2023 at 09:29 AM.
    If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. Oh, and a dog, and a rifle

  14. #239
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Also, I am unfamiliar with the term lucsh, @Lurch can you please explain what it means.
    If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. Oh, and a dog, and a rifle

  15. #240
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    nah he cant @Andygr cause he is no longer able to post/rant/spout forth ....sad that folks can ...how did moa hunter put it so well a few posts back up page??? be so far down rabbit hole and only talking to other rabbits. wood for the trees and all that.
    its funny/sad really you can point out that wearing blinkers when looking into stuff goes both ways.... but if someone is wearing blinkers they still keep looking in same places for answers.
    I really hope that the people who are deep in the rabbit hole can wake up and come out in the sunshine again...life is too short as it is,without being scared all the time.
    Maca49, sore head stoat and Andygr like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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