Originally Posted by
Do none of you lot look up?
Well while you're looking at ya screen look for geoengineering.
It's painstakingly documented in patents,treaties, agreements,partnerships, etc with various
NGO's, militaries,aigovernment agencies worldwide and of course,the good old un.
The evidence of this is visible most days in the sky worldwide.
The chemtrails,manufactured clouds,manipulation of these with technology including microwave,haarpe,scalar,etc.
Some similar to what can be used to cause earthquakes.
You will recall from the enquiry into the chch earthquake they found it was quite likely manmade.
Jonkey conformed this a couple of times in speeches he gave.
They aim to to be controlling the weather worldwide by around 2025.
So yea,keep an eye on the sky and see if the clouds you see now look like the ones you remember seeing as a kid.
For those who do FB it's well documented in several groups.
There's ya manmade climate change