We certainly could use a few bullets to sort our country and not ankle bracelets :thumbsup:
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spending hundreds of grand to incarcerate that piece of pondscum ,who was once a member of this forum ,alive is the ultimate waste of taxpayer funding.....he wont survive ten days if he ever gets out.... the final bill for his upkeep is astronomical and totally completely unnecessary .PC WOKE madness.... shoot incinerate and flush down nearest sewer.... hell if said nothing the world would not even know!!!
You can include this old fuck here cause i believe ma nature has this shit under control and theres sweet fuck all ....just for you deaf and hard of sight pricks sweet fuck all we can do about it.
.The UN is a bloody joke -FFS theyve got to take out IMF loans to put peacekeepers in the worlds trouble spots and of course controlled by the big five .ruskies ,poms yanks chinese and frogs whose mantra is we owe you billions -however if you dont see/do it our way fuck you we'll default and youre bankrupt-watchh the security council in action all talk about restrictions on russia ,nth korea etc etc and who vetoes these time and time again russia china and their coven arse lickers .same with global warming these bastards pay lips ervice and carry on polluting whilst we get it in the neck daily.
the UN has already admitted the basic formulae for its endless echolalic mantra of global warming is based on faulty math where the dumb pricks doubled an essential factor in their dispshit projections -yes the ones preached so ardently by the imbecilic Shaw and his vegetables,plus that upstart scandinavian bint with the moosh like a slapped spaniels arse but to name a few
. .BTW no member is beholden to UN direction or policy contrary to what the welington woolmops tell us!.
So when i depart this coil Ill probably go up the chimney in a bloody great cloud of smelly smoke hopefully emerging in a cloud shaped like a rigid middle digit ,and Im hoping some of the boys can load a bit of me in a 12g cartridge and let her rip through one of my `12guages over my favourite hunting water.the remainder goes home to my beloved coast hopefully to be emptied into a creek which bears the family name in the locality we put our roots in down 160years ago.
lastly all these bloody so called experts academics fuckwit rulers and activists would be better off if they could given tonights winning lotto numbers -thats of more use to me.
Compared to the universe,earth is only the size of a grain of sand.Big rocks might miss us hopefully.
Greetings all,
Well less than 36 hours after my first post there are120 plus. There are nay sayers (plus some I am not quite sure what they are saying) but useful posts as well. As individuals or even a small nation we are not going to solve the climate change problem while most governments are dragging the chain but this does not alter the fact that it is happening. What we can do is adapt. What I mean by this is to take the steps that we can to minimise the effects on us and our families like not building or buying a home in the flood plain. It is our risk and our adaption. Best of luck with it.
Regards Grandpamac.
building on stilts.......lifting existing houses...... allowing people to remove shingle from rivers again,like we did for generations...... allow firewood to be cut from rivers,allow access to cut slash as firewood...... fix our roads or bridges,build more bridges or at least big solid fords that will allow a flood to sweep past (they made a tube like giant firehose,laid across river,the rougher the bottom the better and filled with concrete) scrap this stupid carbon credit idea...scrap pushing electric cars..stop punishing farmers...stop wasting good food producing land ...build public housing in small safe towns..and do so effeciently. promote the building of smaller cheaper safer more insulated homes in small towns,get rid of the red tape and clip the wings of council ticket clippers.... if a person or family want to live in a 20-40foot container,let them as long as they have safe toilet and cooking and cleaning methods..leave them alone.
Without doubt releasing billions of tonnes of stored fossil carbon into the atmosphere must change the ratio of gases present over time.
The biggest problem is acidification of the oceans - CO2 desolves in water forming carbonic acid. Up until now the sea has been a sink for fossil carbon emissions but it is possibly near the point of saturation.
We have had higher levels of atmospheric CO2 before but these were reached gradually, this time perhaps the increase is happening at a rate faster than adaptation can keep pace with ?
As we go up in altitude or south in latitude it is cooler so perhaps living at 500 mtrs asl or shifting to bluff is the answer ?
kiwifruit in canterbury
Yes, but I planted 100 acres of Pines, starting back in 2018. They are flat out gobbling the stuff up, faster than I can burn my firewood.
In fact, we may have to have another forum burn off/piss up here on the farm, just to even the score and piss the greenies off:omg:
Its not so much about Leighton Smith, even though he is a very intelligent individual, it’s the people he interviews. Professional folk from all over the world. Good to see you googled him, have a listen to a few of his podcasts. Even you might be pleasantly surprised.
They are free on the iheart radio app. :thumbsup:
Its pretty easy to be doom and gloom about the rest of the world and I cant do anything about it.. Yes you can, you can choose what you buy.. you want to buy a piece of fruit... bananas from Equador or kiwifruit from NZ, which has the most food miles ?? .. capsicums from Holland, just go without them, bugger all people died from not eating imported capsicum.. Its only a tiny tiny thing BUT you have some power.
Capsicums. Grown by the tonne on super cheap geothermal heat and electricity not 10km from me. But charge $6 each in winter and $2 in summer, despite the inputs being the same no matter what the month. Where's that supermarket watchdog dude when you need him!!!
For those on the fence, jump in a plane on a nice day and fly the length of NZ. Look out the window, and EVERYTHING you see out there moving, is moving cause of diesel or kero. Lets forget about petrol cause its tiny in the scheme of a nations carbon footprint.
Fishing boats, Cook strait ferries, container ships, jet air liners, dozers, diggers,tractors,freight trucks, stock trucks, trains (except some of the elec commuter ones in Wellington). Everything relies on Diesel. And not even one percent of that stuff can be done by an electric vehicle. Efficiently. Effectively. Fontera has gone woke with their silly EV milk tanker (x2). Its in the workshop more than its out collecting milk. Its not permitted to go into the hills surrounding its depot. Its about twice as expensive to operate than the trucks that DO spend 10 hours a day, day in day out in and out of the hills collecting milk. They have also gone woke on their coal boiler. Ripped it out and put in a wood pellet boiler. All that's done is shunt their CO2 footprint out of their company and shoved it onto the freight companies that have to deliver 6 truck and trailer loads a day of wood pellets, instead of the one coal train per fortnight.
The western world doesn't want to go back to living in the middle ages, halving our life expectancy, half the population working by hand 12 hours a day just to grow/harvest food.
The third world wants our standard of living, and who can blame them.
Only 60-70% of oil gets burnt to power stuff. The rest gets converted into the 6000 items that have become indispensable to all our daily lives.
I don't see a rational conversation about resilience or preparedness. All I see is myopic children in a bouncy castle screeching "listen to me or we're doomed. Do as I say" (not do as I do)
I recon us humans should reverse the way the world spins that should fix it..
We've tilted it a bit aparantly with artesian water usage.
Thanks mate! Every day in an attempt to maintain my mental acuity and stave off the onset of dementia in this old man’s head, I solve several Sudoku puzzles. This morning though I am trying to work out how to get on a plane while sitting on a fence. I have no answers yet but will keep trying. Ha ha ha ha.
I try to be "aware" of how much and where I spend the Earth's resources that come my way, whilst still living a first world lifestyle - in NZ we are truly blessed.
I've made some modest changes to the way I think and live out of respect for the future of our grandkids, and encourage and assist others to do the same - for example if you're traveling somewhere to a shoot maybe, share the travel!
Those who evangelize these sorts of arguments (on both sides of the equation) get no respect from me.
Bit what if the person who believes in a different line of bullshit to yours is not wrong, does it make your line of bullshit right...? It's all perspectives and belief structures that get challenged makes it hard for people to accept a paragdeim shift
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