Tahr your the first to point out someone is being bit of a dick...just saying
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TV1??? Whats that??? Haven't owned a TV for the last 7 or 8 years.
All I'll say is Ronald Reagan is my favourite President of the USA, for his stance on Governments. And the institutions run by the Governments.
His quote:
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are" [ " I'm from the Government and I'm here to help"]
It had quite an impact, https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/ton...o-stratosphere
This is entertaining, he gets to climate change around the 2 1\2 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJdqJu-6ZPo
BB you will find a common denominator with the global warming disciples is: they refuse to read or listen to any theory which dispels man made global warming, or explains current weather patterns. They prefer to rely on climate “models” ignore the science which shows the earths been much hotter, and had a lot more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
It’s all dismissed, doesn’t matter how credible, or what the professional background may be.
Greta Thunberg will save us.
Received a high of 7`C on Thursday, the warming period must be over. Not a mention on TV, if it had been 32`C in summer would have made headlines of a heatwave. Selective reporting?
That was due to massive volcanism with islands being formed all over the shop around 50million years ago though.
Regardless of the cause(s) it looks as though our major climate changers of ocean currents and atmospheric jet streams are changing. Possibly long term.
Point of order. The Tonga eruption in 2022 threw 58,000 Olympic swimming pools of water into the atmosphere, which is highly unusual for an erption. Also unusual is that NASA scientists say it will raise the average temperature of the earth for a few years, as well as increasing the amount of water vapour by 10% (eruptions often cool the earth through ash). Result? Loads more rainfall for a while, and it looks like it has had an effect on the northern hemisphere's weather.
Not denying anthropogenic climate change, but the Tonga eruption is a confounding variable affecting the climate this year, and likely the next couple too. People are using the heatwave to press their point, but they're being disingenuous if they don't acknowledge the climate implications of a highly unusual and large eruption.
On the doom side of things, if our winters are too mild, like this one is, grape harvests the following year will be poor. There will be more chardonnay and less pinot noir as a result. I hate chardonnay.
Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
Well here is how I look at it, I ask myself which group [of scientists not individuals] probably and i use probably because I dont know 100% has the most knowledge on climate change... Is it companies like British Petroleum , or someone connected to the oil industry probably not.. is Greta Thunberg or Al Gore probably not. So my search led me to NASA, now NASA are an independent organisation funded out of the US govt budget, I know of no other organisation that has more technology here on Earth or up in space that can match what NASA has.
What do NASA say ...
well,I suggest you manmade climate changers and others who are happy to follow the narrative and surrender critical thought
Best get the repeats on ya valium script and hang on to ya hats coz I think you're gonna be in for a rough ride.
It's ok to research outside of the narrative and make up your own mind
So many things happening all around us that make no sense but people still try to find excuses to justify nonsense as evidenced by the last 6 years in NZ.
tahr once again illustrates the gullibility and apathy of the general non thinkers.
His solution is to absolve responsibility for doing anything by making it someone elses problem and opting out by dying.
Easier than asking questions and finding uncomfortable answers.
we are in our current predicament because people refuse to take responsibilty for themselves and expect some one to do everything for them,including thinking.
We take no personal responsibility for our informed consent,health,food supply,energy,freedom....
Just let someone else tell us
No such thing as coincidences people
Oh dear,nasa?(not a space agency) really?
The agency that tells us they landed on the moon with a buggy,golf clubs and 3 people in a contraption made of celophane,sticks and selotape? and all the rest of the story
You do know nasa has the biggest "film" studio in the world?
You do know nasa has never released an actual "photograph" only artists impressions or enhanced images?
The agency responsible for one of the biggest frauds perpetrated against humanity.
Same again,just a little critical thought blows nasa into sci fi land.
the longer this crap is swallowed the longer it will continue.
Here's another "coincidence"
the antarctic treaty was signed the year after the creation of nasa.
you know,the international treaty that ALL nations signed to stop civilians exploring antarctica?