Maybe. When it comes to a FAL and fit and proper I wouldn't give anyone the benefit of doubt.
Im not going to debate it though because its just one person's view (mine) and probably a minority one.
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If the police cant get it right, what hope is there for us doing so :(
WHOA!!!! Who made you God?Quote:
noisy contingent of shit-peddlers
That noisy contingent of shit-peddlers are as entitled to their view as anyone else here. Just because you dont share their opinions does not make them inferior to you, and certainly not wrong . Nor does it give you the right to label them in the manner you have .
As a supporter of alternate views and healthy , fair debate - I think you owe shit-peddlers an apology.
When I started high school back in the 80's I was told there used to be 2 full sized rugby fields that were no longer there due to being washed away.
I have seen the coast line around our area continue to erode over the years at an alarming rate.
When I was a young boy in my primary school days we had 30 degree plus ragging norhwesterlie days that went on for weeks on end.
Now today we are lucky to get a hand full of norwesterlies in a year mainly just cool northeasterlies.
From my life experience the land is still eroding as it always has and if anything the summers are cooler, floods have always happened and weather patterns run in cycles.
Do I believe in climate change NO I DON'T!
Is the climate/weather changing? Yes it has always run in cycles.
Why do we see flooding all over the world, heat waves etc? We now have news media and video footage which were never reported on years ago.
Thats my take on it, and its just my opinion.
To be fair to @Shamus the message I got from his post was that @Tahr only seemed to be in the minority because the shit pedlars are noisy and appear to be a large group as a consequence. I saw nothing that indicated that they should be silenced. I for one, am both amused and alarmed at what can come out of their mouths. I think that they ought to be heard so that we can better understand their issues and possibly rectify misconceptions or straight out lies that many of them hold as gospel. Unfortunately the ones I have engaged in conversation so far are unwilling to listen and invariably end up being abusive. As if insulting me will make me come around to their way of viewing the world. Never a good tactic !
We have 2 ears and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you talk
Apparently so in your eyes. I prefer to see myself as someone who is happy to debate any subject in a rational way , with anyone who cares to behave in a rational manner. If my viewpoint is shit peddling then Im afraid yours must be as well.Quote:
So you self-identity as a shit peddler?
Care to try again , in a civil manner ? I know I can...
are you suggesting the suggestion of there being baby bits in coca coal is rational????
It might be baby bits of sugar
So to extrapolate this concept, by banning Lurch we have saved some calamity from happening and made him recover from the obviously worried depressive state he was in poor bugger. Banning him being a way of taking his outbursts seriously and helping him ? In the same way banning 257 Weatherby and denying him contact with others here also helped him get over the loss of his dog ?.
Sorry I just dont see it that way. How I see it is that Lurch was pretty stressed out about all the stuff happening in the world and this was likely being made worse by some of the worry peddling groups he was interacting with. Banning him instead of debating with him has 1) confirmed that everyone has gone blind and 2) thrown him further into the arms of the worry mongers. Who knows he might have been fine until the lockdowns, might have lost his job etc etc Lots of people got pretty stressed and were forced to to stuff against there will.
He might even have 'come right' with a bit of input from forum members if given the chance instead of being chucked on a heap to become someone elses problem. Nimbyism at its most repulsive
tell you what moa hunter...I will give you his phone number and you can enjoy the long winded rants all night long....
you might be quite happy to listen to the shit being spouted...Im bits in coca cola.....seriously????
if your so worried he is actually in a DEPRESSED state...your words....maybe yo ushould contact him.... good luck...Im out.
As a rule I dont publicly comment on moderation work......but lets get 1 thing straight 257weatherby is not banned, he was given a 4 day holiday and has been told he can come back anytime he pleases. He chooses to self isolate from here, he is not in anyway restricted from participating.