The Mrs is in the UK at present, visiting family. Has seen the sun about half a dozen times in the last month. Grey drizzle the rest of the time. So Its not blanket Northern Hemisphere.
We have burnt more firewood this calendar year so far than in the past 15 years living here in the CNI.
"Since records began" is a common catch cry: Records began (1880's) at the coldest period in the last 8-10,000 years. So all roads lead to a warming climate, for sure. (video is from the late 1990's so from the pre hysteria period)
But the Romans didn't have coal fired power stations or Nissan Patrols, and it was a couple of degrees warmer then, than now.
So yes, she's gonna get warmer. Adapt. Get used to it.
But taxing us lots more is only going to make a few multinational companies and organisations much much richer, whilst impoverishing the vast majority of a Nation's citizens.
When the leaders of a Nation do something that benefits external and multinational entities whilst impoverishing its own people, I do believe there's a word for that.
