youll get there mate.
there comes a point when you look back and think, "how the fuck was I ever that useless?"
and things just start falling into place effortlessly.
youve done well just getting to the point of spotting the deer, now just slow things down and concentrate on the rifle controlls, safety, bolt trigger,
and try not to shoot at a running deer. for one it scares the shit out of everything near by meaning you gotta walk kms to get to undusturbed country, two it risks poor shot placement and having to do a long drawn out track to not find a deer that is balled up dieing slowly(does your head in) three the chances of you hitting it is slim to none unless you are a calm cool culler that is a crack shot(not buck fever newby)
what helps me is i pictured the bullet as if its stabbing the deer with a knitting needle, god knows why but it really gets you concentrating on whats beneth and not just shooting the deer in the middle (gut shot) right down to the square CM you want to hit
meaning that when you squeze that shot off you are confedent (not surprised) that the deer is dead as soon as the bullet connects
If my hunting partner shoots at spooked deer as they run away Id have a quiet word to them saying the above. and that if you slow yourself down you will speed up exponentially
also practice snapping your rifle up quickly on stumps and thumbing the safety as if it was an animal to become more fluid