Fascinating how a bunch of practical level headed people on here can come up several cost effective solutions in the space of 24hrs. I like the ideas of reinstating the Lytleton route with a couple of new ferries plus 2 or 3 new ferries, similar size to current, on Picton route. If the purchase was correctly scoped they could have common running gear, engines, etc so that would simplify & leverage maintenance costs. No need for massive port infrastructure spend, etc.
Taking a step back, I think the fundamental problem in this situation was a fatal error = giving Kiwirail the responsibility for deciding the solution. They always had their own agenda & bias, which has now been shown for what it is. Farkn wasteful, excessive & useless. Of course some of the KiwiRail “thinking” fitted very well with the last mob & their ideology, so you can see how it started & how it got hijacked. The trick is how to avoid this type of error & waste of tax payer $$ in future.