Pengy and myself have been on a couple of missions lately looking for new spots and getting of the couch to see if they hold any animals.
Couple weeks ago we hunted in a snow storm and nearly got a good boar as fresh marks in the snow showed we were minutes behind it at worst.
Today as i was bored after the morning rain i rang Pengy of the forum here and asked him if he wanted to go for a drive at a new spot i was told was worth a look.
Anyway, long story short after about a short 20 min walk(took way longer on way in as mucking around looking etc like you doi spy a pig across the gully on a face.
Missed the first shot as it went a little high .
The boar went right but i thought it went higher as i saw a pig above where he was so i lined that one up and ended up with a nice eating sow.
The 150sst did its job and i went and collected the pig with the help of Pengy dog who found it in short order.
Not bad for a short drive