Since the last report I have been out on the weekends chasing sika at a few different places.
Two weekends ago I thought i'd go for a look in the same area that I shot my last sika, just to explore the area a bit more and to get some fresh air.
The hound and I set off before first light arriving at the carpark just as it was getting light enough to see. After a boring 1 hour walk on a rough track I jumped off the track and sidled down into a series of nice open guts that run down the valley.
There seemed to be a bit of sign about so I kept my eye out to see if i could see any deer about. Soon enough a breeze drifted up one of the guts and the hound soon told me there was a deer down there. I knew it was on the same side of the gut as me so I jumped across to the other side and stalked down looking across. After 100-200metres I glanced across and saw a funny looking log over the other side. I soon realised this was no log and was infact a sika looking straight at me! Up with the Bangstick and a shot to the chest had it down for keeps. Cruised across the other side and the hound found our deer in no time. A nice yearling spiker, must have just been kicked out on his own.
This week I had a couple of spare days up my sleeve so decided on a location and set off on a gut-buster of a walk to my chosen area. I don't know why I put myself through the pain of this walk but for some strange reason I keep going back ;D.
3 hours later I was setting up my camp at the usual place, the sun was out and it was a cracker of a day.
It looks a mess but I can assure you it was left spotless when I left
I had a sleep in the sun till about 1pm the headed off up the valley for a wander. I cut off into the bush and headed to some hidden clearings, but no deer were here so carried on up the face and began sidling. The wind was being a pain with no constant breeze so after a few hours I gave up and thought of another plan. I crossed over to the other side of the valley and gained some height and stalked along on the cornflakes. There was quite a bit of sign around so kept on heading along but didn't see the culprits. At about 5pm I dropped down lower on the face and was stalking above a big terrace when the dog got pretty keen and I knew something was up ahead. We satlked ahead, fininding this stag someone had shot:.
About 20 metres past here the dog was still intersted and I heard a crack and saw a deer just up ahead trotting away. I lifted my rifle and just as the deer turned side-on I let rip and hit em in the neck, tipping him over 8-). We went over and took a few pics and cut em up ready to head back to camp.
Bella was pretty tired after a long day:
That night I was woken 4 times by whistling deer, it seems they didn't like where I was camped!
The next morning was a hard frost, my boots were frozen solid. I waited for them to thaw out, packed up my camp and cruised on out. The gut-buster got to me and I was rapt to see the car at the end of it!!