Couple of nights ago i decided to bet this stag at his own game.Twice befor hes seen me first and hard to judge his distance.About 2 hrs befor dark i lay on a river bank up wind from his hide,trees and tall broom.I well covered by some broom and long grass.Nothing was happening and sun was dropping behind the hills.I was about 300 to 400yds from his feeding area i hope.I could still see thru my nikko stirling 1.5x6x45 scope broom tops and trees 500yds away at 9.20pm.I thort another 20 minutes i run out of light.The big boy not coming out for dinner,bugger it.I was looking slightly to my right to his area,i was getting uncomfortable lying on under growth and dead broom twiggs.I turned to my left looking out over the acres of broom in the distance was a set of antlers(top half)bobbing up and down as he was feeding.Bugger he didnt invite me to dinner.He was a fear distance and it was getting dark.I just purchase a new range finder,Cono tech tracer 50mm(thermal)no hiding here in low light.I ranged him at 285yds,but could only see neck and head.The broom was a bit lower 20yds ahead,i just had to wait.Could see him thru the stirling scope quiet well,dialed it up to 6x and waited.The scope was dial up to 3inchs so drop was 2.6 inch drop at 300yds.I know,i tested it last week at 300yds.This big boy to me was going to have his last supper.As he walked into the lower broom feeding,i waited for him to stop,it didnt look like he was going to stop.I let out a loud grunt as he was feeding.He stopped immediately and looked up in my direction.He was sortive front on to me,cross hairs smack on centre between the sholders,i let ripp with the 308 hornady 150gr ssts.It was a good hit.He stubbled about 2mtrs back wards and dropped out of site.
It was getting near dark,i coulded walk directly to him,so about 600yds later in a semi circle i got to his area with a torch and my thermal monoculars.About 40 minuts later i could see his antlers out in the broom with the thermal,great peice of kit.I took his back wheels and one sholder and back steaks.The hind quarters were bloody heavey.Il have to get the truck to me.1hrs later i got the truck with in about 200yds of him.The contour of the ground and broom made it bloody hard to make 3 return trips to the truck.I even had a 10 minute spell between each trip to the truck.I wasnt going to let this stag bet me.I finished with him and drove out of the area about 11pm.I was buggered,i drank about 3 litres of water thru the mission.puf puf.He was fat and heavey.I left the head and antlers there,i had no use for them,only a nine pointer in velvet.Meat is hanging up at home now and il cut and pack it up on Sunday with a couple of beers.I put a photo of his hooves up,look a bit old and rugged.Attachment 184352Attachment 184351Attachment 184350Attachment 184349