2145 Friday I get a txt message from @micky-Duck - “Hook Bush Sunday…” — how could I say no, an outing with @micky-Duck is always worth it! Hmm, it’s been a while, can I still make it up that track?? (Turns out yes, all good)
Plans are set, we’ll meet at the car park at the bottom at 0630 hours and @RUMPY is coming too (not to forget the always wonderful Meg (The Dog)).
Sunday 0500 rolls around and I’m quick smart out of bed, showered, dressed and in the trusty 80 Series for a quick 45 minute drive south - ended up driving in convoy with the other hunt crew.
We’re up on the tops by 0730 and looking around for the forever accursed Wallaby… there’s a few, good news.
Let’s keep walking, Milky picks of a couple straight away. Then I bag one with the 25-06. Then the grail, a face, not too bad of a walking distance away, with at least 12 sitting there - let’s head that way. We get to a good shoot spot and they’ve all scarpered!! We grab a bit to eat and keep watching, then we spot what has now got to be the most expensive wallaby on the hunter Hills… at least 10 rounds put it’s way but damn it, we just couldn’t hit it. Oh well, it’s a beautiful spot and a grand day.
We discuss which way we’ll head back up the hill (steep) for a bit and decide on heading on a bit over to the next ridge and see what is down there (bugger all!)
On the way out, @micky-Duck hits a bunny with an impressive shot on that new rifle of his and we both grab another possible hit on a Wallaby each.
Home, rifle cleaned, clothes washed and thoroughly happy with the day had and company had…
Gotta admit, I’m a little buggered though.