Have put in a crazy amount of time deer stalking since I last got one in april. Have seen 30+ but am always a few seconds to slow or a few hundred meters to far for a shot. Missed a stag on waitangi day and been kicking myself since then. Friday arvo the boss says 'go for a shoot tomorrow there's no work to do' so I took that good advice and headed out at 4.45am on Saturday. Arrived at the farm I have access to just after 6 and parked up. Thought I only have half an hour before light so quickly dropped down a hill and headed for a tree just off a track that I thought was the perfect spot to sit tight and glass when I could see. When I got to within 10m of the tree I saw a couple of silhouettes out in front so put the binos on them to try get a better look and saw 2 deer about 40m away one looking straight at me. Had a stand off with them for 5 seconds then they took off so I thought fuck it I'll stay here and see if anything else appears. About an hour of sitting and glossing trying to keep the restless hound quiet and happy I spotted some movement on the Bush line. Couldn't tell what it was yet so kept watching as the light got better and after 10 or so minutes was able to confidently identify it was a deer. Ranged it at 230m and lay down behind the rifle. Crosshairs on top of it's back and bang the 150sst took off. I have never shot this far being a bush hunter 99% of the time so was a bit nervous about the shot but I had been out a few weeks prior and shot out to 300m on targets so was happy with my aim off. A few seconds after I squeezed off I head a massive whack that told me the bullet had hit the deer. As the scope steadied back onto target I saw another hind take off up a hill over the fence then I sat and waited a few minutes. Dropped my gear and told the dog to head off. Haven't had too much success over the dog but once we were within 50m of where I thought the deer was when I shot he started ground scenting and following smells so I followed him then he picks his nose up in the air and turns to head back up the hill and takes me straight to the dead hind about 40m from where I shot it. Plenty of praise for him and then dealt with the deer. Shot was good had taken out the lungs. Shit those ssts do a lot of damage. Spent yesterday dealing with the carcass much to the interest of a couple of Malaysians staying at our house![]()