Thanks guys -it was one of the rare [for me] hunts that it all just went like clockwork. It was a shame that Lance had to bail from the trip cos likely as not when I do get to take him out we won't even see an animal.
csmiffy - I'm not defending my decision of shooting at hares, I was just young, dumb and impatient
- I know what you mean about reading the stories on hunting forums about all the successes and getting the impression everyone is doing lot better than you. But, of course, few of us write up the trips where the highlight is finding a couple of stacks of pellets. Such nonproductive results would make up the bulk of my outings and it would be the same for many others, but of course they go unreported.
Kinda like facebook I guess, where you hear about the rosy holidays or whatever, rather than photo essays of the domestic arguments over who is doing the dishes or what you will be watching on telly. It all gives a skewed view of peoples lives.