Me & Bushhunter hit the bush early this morning in the hope of putting a fallow or two on the deck. The freezer has been empty of venison for 3 months and I was beginning to wonder if I could still remember what a deer tastes like. Needless to say the bush was noisy (or we were just heavy footed) and the deer were giving us the slip for the most part of the day. We had found a likely looking spot to settle down and have some lunch. I was quietly munching on my sandwiches while BH decides to whip out the most noisy bit of food he could find and make a hell of a racket. As he was doing this I could swear I heard some movement ahead. Then movement to my left caught my eye. A white animal had appeared. First instinct was a sheep?
Then I realised it was a deer! I tell BH to hush up saying fuck, fuck, fuck, repeatedly as I bend over to grab the rifle while sitting. Finally some silence!
To my surprise it was still there and now standing side on looking at what these two weirdos were doing. My rifle came up to its neck. However, murphys law came into play and some trees/vines were obscuring the shot placement. I angled the shot back further and let rip. It turned and walked off showing the signs of a hit. I got up and rushed to where I last saw it and saw it slowly walking away and then stand still. Another shot was hastily taken as I wanted to take no chances. BH then confirmed it was down and the rest was history. The first shot was a critical hit in the engine room and was about to hit the deck I assume.
First Fallow hind, and most definitely first white deer ever. Stoked. Should have made a rug out of it as the neck hair was much like a sheeps wool but think it wouldn't have made a great one as the hair was easily coming out when handled. Any one done a Fallow skin rug before?
Turns out BH isn't a jinx after all