Might as well chuck up a bit of success with the bow, first deer with the bow.
Well, this roar has been quite disappointing to say the least, after seeing and leaving a few very good stags in velvet I have not been able to catch up with them, or hear any roaring for the matter.
Pretty sure I must be jinxed when I have the rifle in hand.
After purchasing a bow from forum member NOAH before Christmas and getting it set-up at advanced archery by simon, I finally got a chance at a deer on Wednesday.
My bow is PSE brute-x with a truglo 5 pin sight, ripcord rest and im using a 2-shot release aid.
Deer walks out 5 m away
She glares straight at me
She continued to graze away from me, this was my chance, stood up and onto full draw, timing was perfect and she stood broadside as soon as I was ready, 20m pin just behind front sholder and I let rip.
THUD, solid hit, she bolted down hill and into the bush, crash crash crash, then nothing.
I was happy to find the arrow straight away and saw that tell tale light frothy blood.
Now was dark and raining
After 2nd guessing my shot all night and hoping like hell she was dead, knowing I wouldn’t have a blood trail to follow, I headed out with the dog, beretta. I found her within a few minutes, bundled up 30metres from where she was hit, WHOOP WHOOP.
Alive deer
Dead deer
Full story here, its for a competition on the other forum, so feel free to comment etc over in the bow hunting sectionhttp://www.fishnhunt.co.nz/forum/YaB...num=1366963620