Just downloaded a few photos from my camera to computer so thought i would put up a brief report on taking my grandson out .
This was back in the winter, july i think was my 13 yr old grandson expressed an interest in wanting to go hunting, he lives up near Auckland so is a bit of a townie haha. So he came down to my place in Palmy for a few days and i hatched a plan to take him out to my brothers farm over Dannevirke way who has a few deer kicking round the back of the farm.
I didnt want to take him to some of the shitty arsed places i go in the southern Ruahines first time out without knowing how he would handle a good walk up the hills , anyway the hardest part was getting him out of bed at 4.30 in the morning, but we arrived at the prearranged spot half hour before daylight, walked up the hill just on first light ,coming over the hill 3 deer on the opposite face walked up on to the skyline, they were on to us but i couldnt shoot anyway with them being right on the skyline, they moved off over the hill so we carried on over to where they had been standing.
looking down the ridge i spotted a nice yearling feeding away on the scrub edge, perfect i thought but it moved out of sight before i could get a good bead on it , the breeze was starting to pick up and our scent would be drifting down the ridge soon so our only option was to sneak down the ridge and hope we bump into the deer.
approaching the spot where we seen the yearling i saw the arse of a much bigger deer sticking out of the scrub obviously the hind with the yearling we seen .She lifted her head up and looked straight at us but i was already in a sitting postion and got her with a neck shot from 30 mtrs , very relieved i was too didnt want to stuff this one up.
So now the grandson thinks this shooting deer caper is to easy ,ya just walk up the hill, and theres deer standing round waiting to be shot.
The hind was a big bitch with the good tucker around and grandson put in a good effort helping me carry the meat back up the hill and down to the car. Cheers. Just a bit more info- shot at 30 mtrs with my T3x 7mil rem mag which i bought to take those longer range shots![]()