Was down at a station a friend of mine has access to over the weekend before it sells with the aim of getting a meat animal and a stag before they drop. Got to the glassing spot and within 2 minutes I had spotted a red yearling and a fallow spiker up the valley on the bushedge. Mate ranged it up at 460yds so I dialled accordingly and let off a shot but went over the top as my bipod slipped into a small hole as I loaded it up so reloaded and recomposed before sending another one down the barrel(lucky it was a stupid yearling that froze from confusion). It looked like it was struck by lightning thanks to the 150gr sierra Sierra gamekings. Not too bad a recovery besides the steep gut we had to climb down and out of but the fact my dog was really slow and steady while finding it plus having my wife and a good friend with me made it quite easy. No more deer for the weekend but a great time nonetheless and next mission with her will be back in rusa country so hopefully the good luck continues!