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Thread: A flame called Sika

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Dannevirke, southern Ruahines

    A flame called Sika

    Since I got into Hunting I had always heard of How Hunters enjoyed hunting and endured the frustration of hunting Sika especially bush stalking them.So finally after quite a few months of planning Myself and 5 other really good blokes went Bush hunting Sika.My first task was to pick up Veitnamcam and kiwi Greg from Palmy Airport and put them up for the night then early next morning head up to East Kaweka Helicopters.Our base was Otutu Hut and It was a great little hut well kept and fitted us Big boys nicely.We intended to get flown in by Chris Cross in the 500 for about three days Hunting.This was my First trip into the Kawekas and I had looked over to the kawekas many times from Waioru before and never gave it a second thought but right now its all I think about.
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    We wasted no time settling in with a quick cuppa then off..... VC and KG however didn't even let the dust settle they were geard up and gone pretty soon we had all moved out to familiarise ourselves with the area.Ill sum up the hunting trip briefly as im no good at this type of thing as im struggling to put this hunting trip into words
    The bush was everything I had expected! the Company was Outstanding as were the hut meals I dont think you would find two nicer guys in VC and KG.
    So now to the Sika!...........I knew they were tough to hunt in the bush and they promptly gave me a good lesson one which will be with me for a long time to come and one lesson im happy to have been given.Slow! slower! slower Still and find a way to see through the trees they were hiding behind before they squeal in jest before departing left at Mark 5 ,i swung onto a small creature but the shot was marginal so didn't take it incase I shut down my whole area I intended to hunt for the day.So there I was legs of jelly realizing I had just been taught my first Sika lesson,not fazed we headed up onto a nice flat ridge and stalked it like pro's 5 steps stop watch listen wait more clear the area 5 steps stop and so on and so on for about an hr and a half this was our plan and we were working well as a team we were making our way into a north facing bench as the bush started to light up with some sunshine I had stopped and thought to myself as I was scanning the area in front that this was the place to be while my hunting mate had flanked to my left and instantly all hell broke loose and three sika shrieked from behind some tree's 40yds in front of me and bolted down hill
    there was no chance of a shot as there were two many tree's.............we kneeled down almost back to back incase they swung around to check us out all the while I was mentaly uppercutting ,we both blamed ourselves to late the moment had gone lesson learnt.We hunted our way back to the hut a little bummed out but I was happy with my encounters as we were in the right elevation for them.
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    We should have gone back there the next day but for some reason we didn't.Sundays weather was postcard perfect to say the least we stalked our asses of only to be schooled up by one more Sika but the day was so beautiful that I wasn't to fazed.
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    All the boys hunted hard all day from Friday to sunday we ate like kings laughed like good mates and told some ripper stories and a couple of us cut down the forests at night.Monday weather was terrible and we had resigned ourselves to another night thinking Chris wouldn't fly in this shit!!!! how wrong we were, ive posted the vid of the lift off those who have flown in choppers around moutains in rough cloudy windy wet wether will know what its like but Chris Is a great operator and we got home in one piece. A deer would have gone down a treat but if asked to do the same again with no deer allowed I wouldn't hesitate, the trip was well worth it and has lit a flame called Sika!.
    All that was left was to get home one last night at the Neckshot residence for the Nelson boys and then drop them at the airport the next night it was nice to have the boys over and look forward to the next trip one day in the future.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Busy boys huh, enjoyed thanks Jase
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  3. #3
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Great to meet some new guys & put faces to names

    Thanks for a great trip & hospitality Neckshot
    Neckshot likes this.
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  4. #4
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    Great to meet some new guys & put faces to names

    Thanks for a great trip & hospitality Neckshot

    +1 thanks was a great trip with great guys.
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  5. #5
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    +1 thanks was a great trip with great guys.
    Was the air and the water in the NI OK for you SI guys to breathe and drink VC or did you have to bring your own supply? Ha ha ha ha
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Alot like a good days fishing, surround yourself with some good scenery and some better company and any food you put in the larder is just a bonus.
    Dougie, Neckshot and Scouser like this.

  7. #7
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Cool country aye @Neckshot. Good to see you got onto a few as well. Did you hunt under the hut up the side creek? Manson creek? You went up onto Otutu tops with that shitty leatherwood. We will go for a look up there when its a bit warmer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Dannevirke, southern Ruahines
    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    Cool country aye @Neckshot. Good to see you got onto a few as well. Did you hunt under the hut up the side creek? Manson creek? You went up onto Otutu tops with that shitty leatherwood. We will go for a look up there when its a bit warmer.
    Yep we hunted almost everywere!,you call that leather wood? shit we have leatherwood on steroids down here then.Yep im keen when ever, they are on borrowed time now bro

  9. #9
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neckshot View Post
    Yep we hunted almost everywere!,you call that leather wood? shit we have leatherwood on steroids down here then.Yep im keen when ever, they are on borrowed time now bro
    Nah it's not leatherwood. I wrote it then couldn't be shagged correcting myself. It's all about 4ft tall hebe things and is a shit of a stuff to push through.
    I'll catch you up again soon and we can make a plan.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dannevirke, southern Ruahines
    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    Nah it's not leatherwood. I wrote it then couldn't be shagged correcting myself. It's all about 4ft tall hebe things and is a shit of a stuff to push through.
    I'll catch you up again soon and we can make a plan.
    yes ill admit in the brief time we spent walking thru/over/tripping/spitting on it/resting a little/ I did think its better to be in the bush on the moss.All good bro give me notice and im there.

  11. #11
    Member Blaser's Avatar
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    Good stuff mate!!!

  12. #12
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    Great yarn and pics @Neckshot it is stories like this that keep me motivated to keep getting out there and giving it a go.

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  13. #13
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Neat report bro! And was good too meet your guests and we killed some steel
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  14. #14
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Nice area in there. Have had some ripper trips. Shame about the result. Next time

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    pirongia waikato
    Bush hunting sika I find for me is properly the hunting I enjoy the most. Every sika taken in the bush and thick, is a sika well earned. They are smart, very vocal at times, but also elusive. This to me is wot makes it so enjoyable.
    Scouser likes this.



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