A short clip chasing Sika. Features a beauty shot by @300_BLK with his very nice Ruger No.1 6.5 swede.
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A short clip chasing Sika. Features a beauty shot by @300_BLK with his very nice Ruger No.1 6.5 swede.
Nice video.
You missed at 30m. LOL at least you're honest
How many times do we get the long shots, then screw up the easy one?!
Good video those close shots can sometimes catch you out, but at least you made amends and the second shot was good.
He didn't miss, she moved.
Awesome footage there, got to love those stalks when you can get that close
Nice video. They’re little things aren’t they; I’m tempted to head shoot them too, not to waste meat.
Very nice. First hind was obviously having some difficulty hearing you being so close to that stream. I won't give you any grief missing the first shot either ;)