the past few months ive been pritty bloddy lazy, havnt done fuck all now i feel fat and unfit! time to get my arse into gear and start doing some hunting, the roar is looming
ive put abit of effort into nailing a kingfish with the spear but hasnt happend, im sure i hooked one yesterday on the rod but got busted off in the ropes of the mussle farm
HAd a couple of hunts, abit of spearfishing, drunk some piss, caught some fish, scuba'd some scollies, was even a groomsman at a wedding, and the dirty old hilux was a wedding car, went out with balbob ages ago and he took a fall, crack up at the photo when i look at it ha
dirty balbob
anyway time to get out there, burn some fat, shoot some reds, followed by bucks and then my fav time of year - the Tahr rutt!!!