So for this year the plan was set for the FYM crew to hit the northern Ruahine's for a week of abuse, bull shit & red slaying.
With a last minute line up change we saw four bright eyed and bushie tailed nob ends ( plus one slightly smeillier than normal pom ) meet up in a sheep paddock, unload & with'in a couple of mintues we were doing two trips head'in to the hut thanks to Hill Billy Choppers from Taihape![]()
Philipo, Greendog, Bambie Slammer, MEB & Gretta " the deer dar" are in the hood, We chuck our endless amounts of "last a week" shit into our "6 bunk Ritz" scoff down some lunch and prepare for battle
Slammer & MEB go for a single man rekie, While Greendog, his spotty bitch and myself plan a trip up stream then decide to go up the gorge ( not very often do you find these waterways so low ) so we decide to make the most of it and work our way up, wearing our shitty sneakers & only getting my nads wet a " hand full" of times
We come apon this mint slip
We watch it for a while & then decide to climb up it's edge & go over the ridge into the other catchment , while letting off a few "toots" following up the ridge we get a "hello" back from the other side of the slip, I call him over with my 10c piece of PVC pipe roaring stick and he takes the bait, Gretta decides to do the worlds smelliest dump and then have the wind blow it in our & old Mr Staggos face.
Did'nt seem to worry him to much as next thing GD looks down and see's the bugger about 30yd's from us, shit he had'nt slotted a round up the pipe, so by the time I saw Staggy he was on the retreat Awe "fuck ya mother" scamper scamper across the slip face & then we see him about 250yd's away ( I'd pre-ranged the slip face )
use a tree as a rest and blast the cunt with the Mk 5, down he goes and lands up against a treebut in a real steap arsed prick of a spot
A nice big Rua 9
We remove the head and let him "gently slide to the bottom of the slip" YEAH RIGHT !
Then with fading light we have to follow him down ( FYM it was quite steap ) get to the bottom do some cutt'in and decide to do the walk'n'carry back to the hut ( luckly we are such good boy scouts we were prepared ) so down the stream we go & finally make it back for dinner about 10:30
A good start to the trip
With day 2 a right off weather wise, Day 3- Philipo & MEB decided to head up hill to the bush edge & the awesome world of "the tops", we have a good looksie around and come apon a bwety gully head, let off a couple of 10c PVC blows and FYM we get a responce ! Mint we plan an attack to move quickly down to a nice rocky roaring / shooting point and see what happens
Blow, blow, blow & he's giving the rasberry back, then I spot the fucker sticking his head out'a the shrubbery, a bit of fucking around entails while I get my bino's, range finder, rifle scope & brain to all work in cyncros, 380yd's bomfaa give it a 2nd & over it rolls into the sticks
Takes a while to get over there through all the shit & untold little shitty guts, MEB ( aka Martin the hairy pom ) tracks it down & puts in a finisher ( I lunged the poor bugger ) he ended up rolling about 10yd's to far and ended up upside-down in a real cunt of a spot
A nice old boy, pass his prime 10, but still man of the house
Martin carryed the head out over a two day transission
So "Priate Friday" comes and goes, We have a visitor for dinner on Saturday night. Rick from Wang'as had decided to walk in for a weekend hunt ( poor buggar did'nt know what he had walked into LOL ) Sunday come's & goes
Take the Edge for a marathon walk on Monday, coming back I put on my ele-muffs watch / listen to a few stags roaring in the arvo with'in easy shooting distance ( 450-650y ) on the other side of the gully / vally but friggen half a days walk to get to, so no point bombing the cunts so just enjoy watching and talking to them and the few bitche's they had in tow
As in life, you never know when you will see friggen deer & on my way back to the bush edge track I come over a ridge and all of a sudden 3 friggen hinds decide to go awol, I sholder the 11lb+ beast put a bead on the cunts sholder and friggen miss a 80-100y shot "WTF" LOL every ones done that more than once aye
Next moring is last meat Hunting day & MEB and myself head to our happy hunting grounds of the tops looking for a nice bit of skirt to take home, well fym we come across a real dizzy Doras and after a couple of comical shots I put her to bed
We hear a couple of shots ring out'a the vally below, G Dog & Slammer have bowled a nice big 8 " Mint"*
The Stoney Creek "Meat suit pack" worked a treat
A neat last day of hunting to a great trip with fucken good mates, FYM this is why we do what we do
Sitting on the chopper pad, waiting for the kichen wisk to pick us up.