Well the year has started of well for Brother-in law Kevin and I. Last weekend Kevin hunted an area that has plenty of grass amongst young pines and managed to shoot a nice spiker with a well placed head shot. This weekend we checked the camera's but there was not much activity bar one camera that picked up four sambar one a stag with new velvet growing. I took my little chainsaw to open up a track we had in this particular block as it has been recently thinned to waste and trees blocked our path as well as the deer's.
Was a bit more involved than first thought but managed to get half way around before running out of gas, will finish it next weekend.
We shot home for lunch and checked the cards from the camera's on the computer, then as the afternoon closed we had some heavy showers which threatened the evening hunt. The sky lightened a little so we thought we would go anyway as it should be a good evening with the wet bush and more rain threatening.
Kevin wanted to check a block that looked promising for the roar and took a camera just in chase it was a good spot. Kevin dropped me off and I walked around a clear cut then cut through a block of pines to another clear cut. I decided to have a look up a side track that backed onto a block of mature pine. When I reached the corner that run up along the pines I spotted a deer out feeding on the open stuff, a quick look confirmed it was a spiker which made him shoot able as we decided not to shoot hinds as they will most likely have fawns at foot now.
Range was 178 yards and one shot dropped him where he stood. As he was on a steep hillside it made recovery simple by dragging down to about 100 yards from where we could get the vehicle to.
When I caught up with Kevin he told me he had followed a well used game trail up onto the ridge which opened out into nice open bush with numerous trails criss crossing the ridge. Eventually a good spot was found for the camera so hopefully we will get some good shots in the future.
On his way back to the truck a deer run up from a gully and stopped on the ridge at about 50 yards. Kevin lined up on it but as it stood watching him he noticed that it was a hind so left it in peace.
We went back and got my deer and as we finished loading it up the rain started again, what an end to a great day.
Had venison steak for dinner tonight, boy was it good..![]()