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Thread: Goodbye Toby we will remember you

  1. #181
    Member EVILWAYZ's Avatar
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    Saw this and thought of Toby rip mate
    If theres lead in the air theres hope

  2. #182
    R93 is offline
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    Awesome Rushy. I have a couple hundred .224 projectiles here that Toby sold me for a song.
    I will be sure to put them to good use for the ball sack.😆

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    PERRISCICABA likes this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  3. #183
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    The off hand longrange trophy non the less
    ebf likes this.

  4. #184
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Thanks Rushy and the rest of the team.
    EeeBees likes this.
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  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post

    When Carpe Diem and I arrived in Wairoa on Monday, Brads was already there with a carton of Waikato cooling for me (I shit you not). The three of us went around to Toby's home and I was immediately blown away by the tributes being made to Toby. the most amazing of these to me was that Toby's two brothers (Troy and Luke) had been out that morning to have the same hunting scene tattoo that toby got a few months ago, put on their arms and what is more, Toby's sister Krystal had done similarly with the tattoo outline.

    On going in to the home, toby was laying in his casket with the lid off. The foot of the casket was draped with a camo net and on top of that was Toby's 6.5 x 55. The coffin lid was against the wall and there were many messages from friends and family written on the underside. I had a chat with Toby and told him that a 6.5 is the mongrel child of a .243 and a.270. Carpe Diem assured Toby that I was not telling the truth. Brads meanwhile was getting a tad misty (on ya Brads) so not long after we exited to have the worst steak a man has ever stuck in his gob.

    On Tuesday we attended the funeral service at Toby's home which was conducted by a close friend of the family. Gibo, Pointer, EBF (and his good lady), Carpe Deim, Brads and I stayed close to one another to draw strength from each other. I delivered a eulogy on behalf of us all (the wider NZHS community I mean). Below is the eulogy for those that are interested:

    Today I am sad. Sad because I will never again sit with Toby, shooting the breeze and talking about all manner of things hunting and shooting related.

    And today I am mad. Mad because someone so young who lived life to the full, has been taken from among our number way, way too soon.

    But also, today I am glad. Glad because for my young friend Toby and his family and his friends, the pain and suffering for him and those close to him has come to end.

    Hello, my name is Allan Rushworth. To Toby I was known as Rushy, for that is the name by which I am known on the internet based community NZ Hunting and Shooting (NZHS for short). I am here today in a personal capacity to join with you all in a celebration of the life of my young friend Toby, but I am also here to represent the huge number of fellow hunters and shooters that belong to NZHS who can’t be here in person today but who would like you all to know that they admired Toby and the contribution he made to the NZHS forum community and that they all share in your sorrow and your grief at the sad loss of your, son, your grandson, your brother, your nephew and your mate.

    NZHS has 5122 members and Toby who joined the forum in September 2012, was one of the more active contributors to the forum discussions averaging just on ten posts per day to amass a total of 11,108 posts across his three years among our number.

    In a forum where members have names like Moonhunt and Mucko, R93 and Gadgetman, Gapped Axe and Carpe Diem, Neckshot and Niblett, Gibo, EBF, Pointer, Vietnamcam, Stingray, Pengy, Dundee and Brads, Toby’s member name was simply Toby. Such was his no nonsense approach. Although if you ask a few of us later I am sure that many among us will tell you that we knew him affectionately as “Ballsack” for Toby had a fixation with drawing a cock and balls on anything that stood still long enough for the phallic graffiti to be applied.

    When I first met Toby, he was a boy about the same age as my eldest grandson is now and he was in a hospital in Auckland for round one of his fight with cancer. In the three years since meeting him, I observed Toby as he transitioned from the manling that he was, into the man that he became.

    To say that he was truly inspirational to me and the many fellow members of NZHS that I speak for now is an absolute understatement. Toby enriched our lives in so many ways that it is difficult for me to recount them here. But Toby you should know this. You were the most amazingly natural shot with a rifle that I and many in our NZHS community have ever met. You were a far better hunter at your young age than me and most that I have met who have many times your experience in the pursuit of game. And you were without doubt the single most outstanding individual that it has ever been my honour and privilege to have met. Know also that I and many of my fellow NZHS members have been hugely proud to call you our friend.

    In the face of adversity, I have met no one more stoic.
    In the face of misfortune, there are none more heroic.
    You have enriched the lives of all that you’ve met.
    And will continue to do so, for several years yet.
    Know that we take pride in having all known a man.
    That spat in the face of great torment and said “yes I can”.

    Two Saturday’s ago in Palmerston North Toby and our friend Brads were talking and planning about fulfilling one of Toby’s last desires which was to hit a steel target set up at two kilometres distance. Unfortunately that is not now something that Toby will ever do but I do believe that in this unfulfilled desire, Toby has left us all something that can bring us together and unite us in his memory.

    Without reference to anyone here since last Friday, I have placed an order for a trophy to be made. This trophy will be engraved “NZHS Long Range Shooting Competition” “TOBY GOODLEY MEMORIAL TROPHY. When I receive this trophy, I will gift it to the NZHS forum with a suggestion that they facilitate an annual event at Duncan Bradley’s farm at Ongaonga to honour Toby’s memory and to celebrate the richness that Toby bestowed upon us all and my strong suggestion will be that NZHS invite you his family and friends to attend this event to present this trophy to whomever from among our number wins the 2K challenge laid down by our mate.

    Thank you. Take the easy road now Toby for you have definitely done the hard yards.

    After the service finished a large number of people (including us lot) went out to Toby's range with his casket and had a last blast with him. It was incredibly nice for his family to have facilitated this.

    Today I have received the trophy that I spoke of and soon I will liaise with the only forum admin that I have contact with (7mmsaum) to get it into the hands of the forum

    Attachment 41627Attachment 41628

    I have some ideas as to how the competition should be conducted but will leave that up to you guys.
    Thank you a lot for this post and the words in your speech @Rushy, thank you for mention "you speaking on my and all of us members of this forum".
    I only know few or maybe couple people from this forum in person and i want to meet more of you people who somehow is teaching me and been part of my hunting and shooting life.
    I am reasonable new to shooting and hunting, i think i know heaps of theory and i have a lot to learn of it, but the best of all is, i am and can learn everyday more with people like you guys.
    To @Toby, i just wish that you rest in peace my "friend" and that everyone who make part of your/his life keep the great times with him in the memory. Thank you Toby for your posts and things you share with us.

    God bless us all and look after the family, friends and friends of Toby.

    Once again.

    Thank you @ Rushy once again and to all the members of this forum.

    veitnamcam, EeeBees and PerazziSC3 like this.

  6. #186
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    spreydon christcurch.
    guys somwhere else on this forum I mentioned those of us in CHCH gather for a happy hour in honour of the one and only Toby .
    Today being my 61st birthday and whilst drinking a few in his memory ,and contemplating why someone so young honest and talented is snatched from life in so a fucking cruel and incomrehensible way-Id like to announce the very 1st shakeytown ballsack memorial gathering&BBQ to be held in my 1/4acre on saturday 1700hrs ownward . dress is camo or thoroughly indecent, BYO ales &kai and if you feel the urge to get tanked sleepin bag cause youre on the lounge floor. Ive given it some thought and guaging the feeling Im of the opinion this is a gathering best held somewhere aside from the ignorant mainstream guzzlers &knowalls
    moderators permtting and all being OK i will give the adress.
    at this stage my contribution is venue ,bbq &a 12.5litre keg of ale.
    if any of you NI guys are down in shakeytown for labour w/e and want to come -same applies and transport will be arranged!

    just as an aside -Im headed out to goosegarden saturday morning
    with an aspiring hunter - if you fancy giving a feral goose a blowjob Im happy to guide you 12g&steel shot is the only requirement!
    BRADS-we will ensure toby does get a bloody laugh outta this.
    Last edited by kotuku; 21-10-2015 at 08:10 PM.

  7. #187
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    spreydon christcurch.
    you bloody would ,ya racin crayfish-you in the FIferrari longjohns &red bands and im runninthe book on how long it takes ya to get to the top of that bloody great oak tree in the front yard.
    should be good for opening entertainment!
    gadgetman likes this.

  8. #188
    Member madmaori's Avatar
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    Shit it feels a bit more empty scrolling through this forum without his comments and humour!
    Dundee, EVILWAYZ, stingray and 4 others like this.

  9. #189
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    spreydon christcurch.
    gents alas i have bad news proposed bbq at my place is postponed indefinitiely.Ive had a major collapse of the bearers supporting a part of my deck,so on one of the few weekends i ha ve off its gonna be head down arse up to rip up decking cut out broken bearers and replacewith new ones and piles if required though ive got everything crossed hoping i wont have to go that far. again My apologies to you all.

  10. #190
    ebf is offline
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    no, no, no kotuku - you going about this the wrong way

    see, what yo do is invite EVERYBODY, as as the buggers start arriving, you just say - "shit, deck collapsed last night ! can you lend a hand ?"
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  11. #191
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    no, no, no kotuku - you going about this the wrong way

    see, what yo do is invite EVERYBODY, as as the buggers start arriving, you just say - "shit, deck collapsed last night ! can you lend a hand ?"
    Too late. But give me the nod and I'll be over if you need a hand mate.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  12. #192
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    Too late. But give me the nod and I'll be over if you need a hand mate.
    Chainsaw, crowbar, hammer. All you need to take. Oh and the crate of Waikato.
    puku likes this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  13. #193
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    @Rushy he is going to need a hell of a lot of Waikato for under the deck, eventually the crates will rot out, but the bottles will last a long time.
    veitnamcam and gadgetman like this.

  14. #194
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    One week on our thoughts are still with you young mate.
    Hope your giving em shit up there.
    Catching up with your family today.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Whoever is the admin who changed the logo, "WELL DONE!" You nail it!
    Thank you!



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