Had been chasing this pig for a while now, half a year or so. Have seen him multiple times getting the slip on the dogs, ran straight past me twice with the dogs trailing a little while behind to no success.(looked to be 120ish) Had been back to his possy a couple weeks in a row, struck him but hes been to clever and fast for the dogs.
**this was pre christmas then i moved to the king country from the bay of islands just after new years**
**Got married end of feb and honeymoon started, went back up north for a couple days to see all the family again before they flew back overseas etc.**
The dogs hadnt been out in 2-3weeks and i wanted to go back to see if this pig was still around. Snuck out of bed from the wife early hours of the morning and packed the ute. Myself, two mates and the dogs were off. Walking up this big face were i thought he might be camped up in the sun, stopped for a breather listening waiting for the dogs up above us in some native. Big crash thru a fence and thru devil weed and cutty grass heading straight to the bottom, i knew it was him. Dogs not far behind i was hopefully but not certain they would pull him up as the werent really fit. 6,7,800m the dogs were moving and so was the pig. 1.1kms away then they had turned around and back to 600m. "We lost him" i was thinking. Grabbed some jerky outve my pouch to lift my spirits. Then all of a sudden heard the dogs break into a steady bail 1 dog, then 2dogs. We were off! It was a steep hill and i left the boys behind haha i need this pig! Got there 15mins later and put a 20g slug straight into him. Cheehoo! Never seen a pig so fat from this place! And he went 165lbs, wrapped! Dogs provided the goods, couple battle wounds but they were sweet. Back at the ute by 8.30. Success!