Got word of a paddock of turkeys.
So after morning work loaded the car up with the shot gun,the trusty old escort.
And unlocked my ole faithful model stirling .22 bolt action.
First glance was a few parries then the turkeys behind in a flat paddock.
I had to think of a plan of attack as they were not approachable from here even with the trusty .22 that can shoot wings off a fly at a half mile.
As usual my clothing was pretty much full camo as that is all I own
Slung the shotty over my shoulder and headed down a lane with parries letting off their distress call alerting every thing that I was approaching.
The mob of turkeys were getting cagey by this stage and I was very tempted to dump the ole faithful.22 on the dirt and shoot at the low flying parries with my shotty as it was ready for action!
Anyway the parries finally dispersed so I went into stealth mode as the mob of turkeys were approaching an escape route.
Yes I could see dwellings in the background,that is where my intell came from!
I made my way to a shaded shelterbelt with the East shining sun making this short camo attacker harder to see.
The high grass flats that the turkeys were on started making their escape route so I lined a nice plump hen up with the old faithful and dropped it ...headshot at DD didgets on the range finder
As the turkeys dispersed my intel approached the lane way armed with a semi auto shotty so we split up and tried to drive them towards each other.
A couple of shots rang out from the approaching intel before the turkeys fled to the low lying flats way below on a neighbouring farm.
Before they escaped I could of cleaned a few more up with the shotty but was happy to have a feed for the table without spitting out steel shot!