Stinking hot here again but I wanted to head out before sunrise to watch some more Red hinds with fawns I have been keeping an eye on over Summer, by 0730 it was already getting pretty hot with sweat dripping off my face as I sat and watched a Red Hind with Fawn feeding away on a bushy face, with the whole day ahead I moved further along the valley floor to see what else was around, I spotted this young boar rooting about in some soft ground, he was completely oblivious to my presence as I lined him up, I thumped him in the ribs just back of the shoulder and he ran about 30 yards to the bush edge, I knew he wouldn't get far as I walked over to where he hit the bush, I found him dead and on inspection the bullet had come out through the opposite shoulder, I gutted him to find the heart and lungs just a blooded pulp.
Only a young pig he weighed 93lbs gutted, I'm not all that keen on wild pork unless processed, so I will bone out the whole thing and use for sausages, there is a smoked maple flavour I want to try so cant wait to get that under way
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