Whats the deer in your avatar Bushhunter? Did you not shoot that fella?
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Whats the deer in your avatar Bushhunter? Did you not shoot that fella?
This a very exciting thread!!!.How do you subscribe to it?......I feel He's real close.
Na I didn't bugger it. That one was a lucky score for a good mate of mine from about 6 years ago when we used to do a lot of small game spot lighting together. He organised with one of his neighbours to have a clean up around his run off, Anything that move's I want it gone (except sheep and beef of course).
No worries. It was a good night that one, Ferrets rat's possums rabbit's hare's all on the table. Got to the last paddock at the back of farm that backed onto some bush and I had just finished unloading the semi (shoty) on all the hare's I could see. As I was reloading matt was checking out the paddock for more when this stag walked out of the bush and up the gully straight to us, into the spotlight. wtf we thought haha. He must of just been a nosey deer and came to see what all the noise was about ?? Duno, Anyway matt put a round into him and took him home to eat :thumbsup: Too easy. Well for him anyway dam it haha.
whens your next hunt? one little piece of learnings from me.......just when you take your mind of the job that's when they will be in front of you!!! remember that all day long.
Well was this weekend but wifey has put a stop to that ! Said I have been out to many weekend's in a row haha. But hopfully I can sneak away for a few hour's sunday arvo to a new spot that I was lucky enough to organise tonight ............ If not next weekend for sure.
I find my attention span lasts around 4-5 hours in the bush, then I lose concentration and literally stop hunting and go into auto pilot (lost a deer 2 weeks ago because of this). Think I need to take more breaks or have a nana nap to keep me focused. Any one else have this problem? Mind you getting up at 3 or 4am might have something to do with it? :ORLY:
Have a break,I reckon that just sitting there quietly in the bush not making a sound but still listening in my book your still hunting and have the advantage over the Deer especially if there moving around under the canopy.
There has been success having a nana nap on the hill and you earn it too.
That sika I shot the other week was just after I started to get a bit frustrated. It was the third day of the hunt and no animals seen. I had stalked this nice ridge and got to the end of it. I sat down and a bit fed up thinking there was nothing around I was blowing my nose. Sat there for about 30 mins then decided to sidle around into the wind and it was less than 50m before I spotted it. Taught me a little lesson, don't give up, they may just be around the corner!
I look forward to seeing you with your first kill, I'll be stoked as for you!!