Cheer's guy's And it taste pretty good too :thumbsup:
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Cheer's guy's And it taste pretty good too :thumbsup:
Been a while since my last post, A few more unsuccessful hunts since then but not this time ... 1st Deer.
On Saturday afternoon me and my brother drove out to our cousins farm for a hunt, A good size farm that borders doc land.
Heading off down to the back of the farm the weather started to turn shit, We checked out a few spots along the way where deer had previously been seen, Nothing to see this time though. Carried onto another spot and parked up.
Walked up a hill and started glassing ...... After a short time, Out of the bush walks a fallow doe. Watching her for a bit as she walked in and out of cover eating and prancing around, I then made a plan of how to get to her with out being noticed.
Back down and across the hill we came up, We spooked a mob of wild goats, Got past those buggers, Quietly drop into the bush, Slipping and sliding down through a muddy gully and then up the other side and pop out into another paddock. Quick check around and wind check - perfect, Carried on down another hill and over a ridge to spot that doe we had seen.
By this stage it had started raining and it was not giving up. I found a spot to lie down, Through the scrub I could see her unaware of us getting with in less than half the distance we were before. I lift the rifle up looking through the scope I could make her out plain as day, She started walking in closer, Yeah ha, About to load a round in the chamber my hunting buddy straight away noticed 2 more and let me no ! I Etched my way forward a bit more. I now could see the 2 he saw below us, Under a tree taking cover from the rain and no more than 100yards away.
I raised the rifle once more, Loaded a round, took aim on the closest doe, a few deep easy breaths, cross hair on the base of the neck, slowly squeezed the trigger, Boom ...
All over for her, She wouldn't of known anything, the cleanest kill I could of ever hoped for.
After watching the other 2 looking around not knowing what to do a spiker came out to see what was going on ( I left these guys alone, I only wanted one :thumbsup: )
Not long after that they buggerd off. Made my way down and cleaned her out, Then had to carry her all the way back up from where we had come from, What a mission that was ! I then lay down in the rain recovering from that climb feeling pretty bloody pleased with myself.
Attachment 22990
Haha cheers Neckshot, And there was no meat wasted, I took back steaks and rear legs and I my cousin made the most of the rest.
Bugger the Kaimai reds BushHunter, lets just shoot fallow. Easy to carry, tasty, and no supple jack! :D
Wahooo best feeling ever! Here's to many more :beer::beer:
Well done:cool:
Good skills BushHunter, well done on your first mate, you showed plenty of patience as i bet you were 'gagging' to get a shot off......stoked for you.............
Congrats BH :thumbsup: