The roar is ridiculous!!!
Grown men running round the bush making deer mating calls.... in society wed be commited lol
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The roar is ridiculous!!!
Grown men running round the bush making deer mating calls.... in society wed be commited lol
This one will be ready for a whistle to call it over and throw in the back of the truck
Attachment 8190
Attachment 8191
Yep and they grow up to be a right royal pain in the arse. Mohawk660 came out to sight in his rifle yesterday and I ended up having to backhand a hand reared hind that was looking to establish dominance.
If he is anything like me ya can hardly blame her.
I've started bellowing at random and piddling on myself.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
[QUOTE=R93;98036]I've started bellowing at random and piddling on myself.QUOTE]
That could get you committed in Auckland
I thought I would fit straight in tbh.
If I start thrashing flower beds and shrubs I will commit myself.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
just put a rubber band around the end of it, and no more dribbles. Who needs a urologist when we've got H&S forum - we'll cure all your ills . . . . . . oh. oh I thought you meant . . . . .
Just have a shower Dave:D one pre roar and one post roar and you should be sweet for the year?
Cool, so no change in my usual hygiene regime then.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
[QUOTE=R93;98201]Rubber band is sorted SiB. Now what do I do about this stain running along my guts?=QUOTE]
just rub some talcum powder on it mate.
This was a classic thread..... miss ya Tobes.