Couple of days ago was driving back from a little hunting trip.Spotted this hind on the side of the road,out side the deer fence where the grass is long and sweet.
MD drives pass here a bit too.![]()
Couple of days ago was driving back from a little hunting trip.Spotted this hind on the side of the road,out side the deer fence where the grass is long and sweet.
MD drives pass here a bit too.![]()
Good to see these guys out and about. Like seeing fallow and goats on my drive to work.
possibly not too far from a brewery if my guess is correct...seen four out there one afternoon... cant see ear tag no matter how far in I zoom LOL. I reckon cockies should use large blue ear tags...they would show up so much better.
About another 25ks further on.Camera country here only.
Not been paying enough attention have I, always in a hurry I am, always too fast do I go, thinking only of the destination, never the journey, sigh..... and that is why I fail......
See deer from the roadside nearly everytime we leave the gate down here haha. At the moment young fallow getting about all over the place as mum has given them the boot in preparation for this year's fawn and they're a bit confused trying to find their place. Always a few visible from the road between Ettrick and Raes Junction, and From Raes Junction up to the Edievale turnoff. More Reds than rabbits on the road between here and Roxburgh, you actually need to be a bit careful I've come around a bend a few times to be met by one or several Reds in the middle of the road
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Saw 3 from the bus yesterday evening on the bus back from work at macraes.
Spiker and 2 Hinds in clearing from pines out of that sodding wind
just spotted one not 5kms from centre of town....and it stayed there long enough to take Mrs back to see it...40 yards from car and not worried when another drove ear tags...neat to see them.
Seen these little buggers on the way back from Queenstown about a hour ago.Same spot every year in November.![]()