So, last week on Monday I fell down a stairwell at work. My guy with me called the ambo, as I laid in the stairwell waiting-not moving and not fun times.
Ambos were nek level fantastic and hard boarded me into the ambo.
Into the Hospital in Welllington city- x-rays and a CT scan, result is 2 minorly fractured vertebrae.
I have full function and mobility and other than battered and bruised I'm fine.
6 to 12 weeks in this Robocop brace to stop me bending and as long as I can at home and I'll be good.
After 26 years building, you think you know it all.
It's never gonna happen to me.
Literally 30 seconds of "mind not on what it should have been" at the wrong time and boom, ya down on the fucking floor.
Probably one of my biggest mistakes was ringing Diane and telling her while lying on the floor -sorry bout Dat
I consider my self a proud HnS proponent , when a lot of my fellow tradies will scoff at "being safer" , always trying my best to do the best I can to keep my people and myself safe, ya live and learn.
I cannot believe how professional and excellent beyond words the ambos and hospital staff were.
I mean we all know theyre fantastic aye- but to see it first hand-wow.
Thank you to all the people that fixed me.
I can walk and I'm alive!
edit-im getting around slowly at home, i wear the brace-I haven't been anywhere since Thursday last.
I probably wont get out hunting at all this year, but, I can walk that's all I care about.
This is not a pity post, hopefully someone thinks of this just before they go and do something similar by mistake.
Yes eating Mr Whippy lying down is ot easy