Interesting, does your body have the excess to draw on from fasting? If you are a skinny runt it's probably not going to work.
If you have a metabolism where your weight fluctuates quite a bit due to love of carbs etc and smashing beers it would be a good way to burn off. But you are correct you need to keep the fluids in you and maybe a little to keep you going when required like a miso soup or something, don't be a fasting Nazi on yourself if you need a wee boost.
I've never been hunting fasting, have always wanted to try this experiment myself actually. What I do find is, once fasting starts kicking in your eyesight and even hearing sensitivity improves as you must start entering a "caveman zone", of your body going you need a little help to go kill some food or something. Also quite the opposite, I can't sleep so that's when I quite often have something to eat. The crazy thing is though, even when you don't get much sleep you don't seem to feel tired.
One thing I am convinced of is if you fast when sick, you actually get better much quicker.