It's a Cold Steel Pendleton Mini Hunter. Replacing my Svord 3 inch Hiker. The Svord was a good little knife, but it rusts like crazy even with regular oiling, and it doesn't seem to hold an edge even just chilling out on the shelf inside the sheath. This Cold Steel weighs 2 grams more than the Svord, has a full-tang blade of VG-1 stainless, and a tacky feeling rubber grip with a small finger-guard to stop my hand slipping onto the blade - something the Svord lacks, really. Good deal for $60 I think. The only complaint I can make is that the sheath is a heavy-ass concoction of nylon and kydex, but that's not a problem - it fits in the light leather sheath of the Svord.
Oh, and I cut up this guy with it on Tuesday night, worked really well.