Things are warming up nicely with the Sambar starting to rut. Beeman's camera's are busy catching rutting activity in all the areas frequented by Sambar.
Since late April stags have been recorded scraping out pads, preaching and closely following hind groups. At present there are several stags showing up on a semi regular basis, two or three are small six pointers and there are a few spikers running around trying to get in on the action, but there are at least two that have our undivided attention at the moment.
The first is a stag we named PD ( Pencil Dick ) for obvious reason as he always seems to have his dick out when on the camera shots. This stag was very good last year and I had a very close call with him on a little spur ridge where I seen his antler top coming up through the pines only to have him cut my wind. Beeman had a close call as well the weekend before so he was rather lucky.
The second, I think was seen on camera last year a time or two but didn't seem to hang around much, but has turned up again looking pretty good. We have named him Dopey as he was seen several times on Dope Cam along with several other camera's. The two stags are distinctly different in antler structure PD has huge tops and a shape similar to a Rusa stag but definitely isn't Rusa. The other, Dopey, has the classic sweeping antlers both stags possibly a little short in the brow tines but everything else is spot on.
Last weekend as I checked the camera's on my route I started down that same little spur I seen PD on last year. As I approached a small clearing I glanced to my right into a sunny spot to see a big Sambar Stag wheel around and gape it down the spur, what I did see was those long sweeping antlers as he took off, most likely Dopey.
This block is an un pruned pine block with large trees so you have a lot of small branches that limit your vison which makes it hard to pick up animals especially if they are stationary.
The following two pictures are of PD one in 2017 the other on the 5th June this year. Interestingly PD turned up in 2017 late in June and the last time we seen him he was bald in late November, this year he turned up againa little earlier but again in June where he went for those 6 odd months nobody knows.
The next picture is of Dopey doing the rounds
A couple of weekends back Beeman and his son found an area ploughed up and at first it was thought to be pigs but further scrutiny showed it was a battle between two Sambar stags, the grass area was turned over by the two heavy weights as they fought, what a sight that would been.
Dopey has two scars, one on either side of his body which we think was from this fight as it is in the block PD has turned up in.
The next several weekends are going to be busy for us as we try to locate these big boys so watch this post and we will keep it updated.