Usually work in the weekends lately so went for an overnight trip in the Catlins forest park Maclennen Range Tuesday/Wednesday to get some meat, exercise, fresh air, and a break from the disheartening political bullshit that is plaguing radio, internet, TV....
Been to the Catlins for hunting a few times in a bunch of different areas but never had any luck with red deer, never even spooked one before. So I was at least hoping to get a goat. And I did, just two little ones. First one I spotted eating some grass in a small clearing next to the body of a red deer another lucky hunter had gotten maybe 10-20 days before. It stunk to high heaven, was in a stage of decay called black putrefaction (had to look it up).
Anyway, I shot the wee kid right in the heart and he fell over instantly, no whining no fuss. His friend which he was grazing with checked to see if he was okay. I tried to get that one too but missed.
I carried the body into some nearby bush to get away from the smell of the dead deer but the swirling wind ensured I did not work without its revolting presence.![]()
Being a small animal I could carry the meat around without much extra effort so went deeper into the bush. A couple hours pass and I hear some bleating in the distance. I decide to bleat back with a meh eh eh eh eh goat sound best i could. The goat in the distance responds positively by getting closer and bleating in response. It did not take long before I saw some movement between the vegetation and out pops another little goat! I was crouched halfway peeking from behind a tree and the little goat stares at me suspiciously about 10m away. I forgot exactly what happened but it turned sideways maybe to walk away and I took the shot. He made a terribly sad whining sound and leaped a wee distance before struggling on the ground. Not quite as clean of a shot as my earlier goat. He tried lifting his head quite a few times, a little fighter. It made me feel really sad and I patted him until he stopped, about 20 seconds. Cant help it, i like goats and I think they are super cute and personable.
Shot was slightly too far back as it caught the front edge of the guts which was upsetting. Still, got two legs, two shoulders, and backstraps. Little ones, mind you, but should be really tasty.
Decided to head back to the hut at this stage. Was hoping to find a deer on the way out as it was approaching sunset but only found their poop and tracks, which is the usual for me and red deer.
Went back into a different area of the Maclennen range that Ive never been into before the next morning, aiming for a full 14 hour day hunt to find a deer or at least figure out what the area has to offer.
The first animal I found was a hare. Tried to take a video of it through the scope. Didn't turn out great but at least the animal is visible. Of course didnt shoot it as apparently not allowed to without small game permit, which is a pain in the arse.
And the moment of truth... my first close encounter with a red deer. This occurred when I was climbing up into a higher area of the bush where I turned a corner and a big hind was within 5 meters of me. Both of us got a very big fright and she instantly crashed away. I tried to follow her in hopes that she would stop and look back at some point, but she disappeared real quick. Nothing else happened. Not even the bleat of a goat. Oh wait actually, found a very old looking container of salt.
Left the bush at 8.30pm empty handed apart from the salt container which I took home to throw into the trash. Still, was a good experience and got some points of interest saved on my topo map such as bedding areas, potential feeding areas, and high traffic areas with lots of hoof prints. Drove home tired and sore and arrived back at Dunedin 11pm knackered. Good fun.