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  • 10 Post By thejavelin
  • 3 Post By ANTSMAN

Thread: JW103 - another big goat down

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    JW103 - another big goat down

    Out early for a goat hunt on Saturday morning - we have access into a private bush block that has a bit of grass on some flats that works its way into native.
    Making our way up the middle of the valley we spied some goats - sneaked up the side of the ridge and both JW's opened up and we had about 7-8 goats on the deck.
    Recovered the back wheels off the eaters and hid them in the shade.
    We made our way up the main ridge - checking each siding for more, but nothing to be seen, just far too hot.
    Along the main ridge the clearings eventually give way into a small block of pine inter-dispersed with native, we were just making our way through when I heard a strange semi grunting noise at fairly regular intervals.
    I mentioned this to my hunting partner and we split up by about 20mtrs and started sneaking forward. I paused in a clearing section and through the native spied a head/neck, waited for what seemed an eternity to allow a bit more sight picture and boom.
    9.40am she was on the deck - hard slog back to the car, but back at the farm by lunch, for a feed and wee siesta.
    This JW103 is really becoming quite favourity - I'm really enjoying a shorter lighter gun in the bush, fast pointing and easy carry - yet the round still has good knockdown and much cheaper to run than my .308.
    Being king of all things quality - I chuckle at a sub $400 gun running cheap steel cased ammo still bringing home a feed
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  2. #2
    Member Dynastar27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    good work

    If in doubt double tap

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Te Awamutu Rural
    I betcha the deer didn't know...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Member craigc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Upper Hutt
    Nice. I just bedded mine, can't wait tot find out how she goes this weekend...

  5. #5
    Member ANTSMAN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    "I just bedded mine".... you humped your rifle????
    Steve123, Manu and BLABLANZ like this.

  6. #6
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ANTSMAN View Post
    "I just bedded mine".... you humped your rifle????
    Seduced it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    CraigC, How did the weekend go? Did you manage to bowl any deer or was it only goats?
    Quote Originally Posted by craigc View Post
    Nice. I just bedded mine, can't wait tot find out how she goes this weekend...

  8. #8
    Member misha2001's Avatar
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    Upper Hutt
    Hey Mauser. Sounds like a great investment. I have just purchased a Jw103 myself. I chopped it down, and got a silencer fitted. Then had to spend about an hour smoothing out the mag so the ammo fed properly into the breach. I haven't had it out yet to sight in the scope. When I reassembled it after the barrel threading, I found 2 washers left. Buggered if I can see where they go. Also noticed that the barrel is free floating - didn't notice that when I degreaser it from new. Any thoughts on anything else I should do before committing to an outdoors romp with it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by misha2001 View Post
    Hey Mauser. Sounds like a great investment. I have just purchased a Jw103 myself. I chopped it down, and got a silencer fitted. Then had to spend about an hour smoothing out the mag so the ammo fed properly into the breach. I haven't had it out yet to sight in the scope. When I reassembled it after the barrel threading, I found 2 washers left. Buggered if I can see where they go. Also noticed that the barrel is free floating - didn't notice that when I degreaser it from new. Any thoughts on anything else I should do before committing to an outdoors romp with it?
    @misha2001 Betchya those washers are used as spacers underneath the trigger guard - I had a random couple in mine also.....
    I had massive issues with getting mine to feed nicely - there is a thread around with everyone trying to help me out - eventually found the issues by colouring the bolt lugs and most of the rear of the bolt in with black vivid and working the action - soon found the bright spots that were snagging. Filed and stones those spots and its acceptable/smoother.

  10. #10
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thejavelin View Post
    @misha2001 Betchya those washers are used as spacers underneath the trigger guard - I had a random couple in mine also.....
    I had massive issues with getting mine to feed nicely - there is a thread around with everyone trying to help me out - eventually found the issues by colouring the bolt lugs and most of the rear of the bolt in with black vivid and working the action - soon found the bright spots that were snagging. Filed and stones those spots and its acceptable/smoother.

  11. #11
    Member misha2001's Avatar
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    Actually, the bolt ain't too bad out of the box. Once I reshaped and filed down the mag top lips, the bolt slid quite freely (for a new rifle of Chinese build). I will do the black marker trick to see if there are any super tight bits to be smoothed.

  12. #12
    Member misha2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    Nah - it's never going to be a beauty queen. If the barrel is free-floating and it groups OK no problem, but if you find things have gone to the pack you can try putting a pressure point of a bit of cork or similar non-melting material just back from the end of the stock. Experiment with different locations and pressures if it shows an improvement...
    Thanks for that. Yep, it does look a bit industrial, but I am not an appearance queen. As long as it does what I want when I want, that'll do me. The little Jw105 I got (also new) has loosened up nicely after a few hundred rounds through it, so I am hoping the 105 will do the same.

    Now... Where did I put my range key?????

  13. #13
    Cutting Edge Bullets Terminator's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Well done working well for you.
    1000yds is fun, 1500yds is getting interesting, 2000yds is exciting, 2500yds will blow your mind



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