She was pretty gnarly alright! The dog had his saddlebags loaded up but the wind was even getting underneath them and flipping him over on one side. The old pack acts like a bit of a sail in those conditions too.
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That was a great trip and awesome write-up. Thanks for posting.
Fantastic report mate, cheers
Great read, great photo's, may the future treat you well.
That is a great account of a fantastic trip. I really enjoyed it. Quite a mix of hard thankless country and some good stuff with a fantastic bit of trout water mixed in.
What is Finn's breeding by the way ?
Great write up, come down south some time and try our hills out for size, you won't have any trouble getting info on where/what/how.
great trip and writeup
Great write up about travel and time in a great part on NZ
Also like to know more about dog breed etc
Choc Lab ??
Finns half choc lab, half gsp.
What an awesome read well done
Great trip and write up. Cheers.
Good read, and great trip.
Awesome read that was one big walk and great pics to boot, brings back many fond memories of wandering around the kawekas myself.