With a free weekend and a good weather forecast I was able to arrange an overnight hunt for Myself and 4 yr son Beau along with a good mate Chris and his 6 year old son Findlay.
I am very privileged to have access to a private block pretty close to home, I don’t hunt it very much at all as I enjoy the public land hunting and it’s a bit of an easy hunt for a few older guys that hunt there some 80+.
So come Saturday avo we loaded the kids and gear up and off to the hut, they loved the ride up chatting away excitedly.
Arriving at the hut we mucked around a bit and had an early dinner.
The aim of the trip was to get both boys out for their first real hunting trip and maybe get a deer of 2 if the stars aligned, we also wanted to get the boys involved in all aspects.
Dinner finished we went off for a walk spotting a deer on the way but looked to be a hind which would have had a fawn so showed the boys and carried on.
Ended up being quite a walk for the kids but minimal complaining and with the incentive of plenty of snacks we got to the end and plodded back seeing 3 deer on the track, but I held off shooting as the kids couldn’t see.
Nearly back at the hut at about 7.45 we spotted a spiker down a little side track about 120m away, got the boys eyes on it and a good view and then shot it clean, fair to say they were stoked! So back to the hut got the side by side and drove down to it for the photos and gutting session.
Heaps of questions and poking and prodding followed. Got the deer back and just sat on a nice wee lookout nearby until about half 8 glassing seeing plenty more animals then back to the hut for snacks then bed, once kids were down Chris and I sat outside and enjoyed a few beers before retiring at about 11.
No alarms set for the morning so just got up when the kids woke, they were jumping around making plenty of noise in the hut when Chris said well F**k me, from in his sleeping bac on the top bunk he could see 4 deer out the hut window.
We got the kids clothed and while Beau and I sat and watched Chris and Findlay snuck down and shot another spiker at about 30m. more photos and deer back to the hut breakfast then pack up and home time.
What an epic weekend with 2 very excited but tired boys with a whole lot of stories to tell!Attachment 264757Attachment 264758Attachment 264759Attachment 264760Attachment 264761Attachment 264762Attachment 264763