decided to take Mazy the dog out for one last hunt, she now has bad arthritis in both front wrist joints and a dodgy hip as well.
loaded the truck up Thursday night and headed up the Awatere valley for a couple of nights, Next morning woke up to a very light
frost and looking like it would be a nice day. Got my gear organized and bandaged up the dogs both front legs, thankfully she
doesn't mind them. we stuck to the creek bed to make it a bit easier on Mazy, typically all the deer we had been seeing were up quite
high and all large bodied stags. about 4:30 i figured it was about time to head back when up came the dogs nose in that unmistakable
sign of there's a deer close. we slowly headed upstream about another 100 meters i was starting to think she was just indicating on an animal
that had moved on, but no on the other side of the creek 50 meters away was a young stag. A quick photo then up with the .223 and the
stag was down. i gave the usual command of find and away Mazy went with no sign of any dodgy legs holding her back. Needless to say a
very happy dog. By the time we got back to the hut she was slowing down and limping a bit more than usual but next morning wasn't doing
too bad so maybe there might be one more deer. Maybe,