Anyway we dropped in from the saddle at the top of the tussok face and made good time down to were my deer lay.
We knew the trip up would take a lot longer with heavy packs
Anyway we set about collecting every bit of useable meet including the heart into our Tatonka bison packs.
@Manchester I even christened your old svord it was perfect for the job.
With heavy packs we set off up the slope making good use of my manuka mustering stick, it was bloody steep in places but we did it in a series of pushes usually about 30 or 40 meters at a time setting goals and resting so we could tackle each push with fresh legs.
Before we knew it we were back at the top and loading our gear into the truck.
Home for a Sheffield pie and cold beer to celebrate a successful hunt/counseling session.
Sorry if it's not as exciting as my usual stories but I'm pretty knackered but feeling very fulfilled.