What a dilemma @Mrs Sideshow, I think it is just as well that you have posted this where your kiwi husband is most unlikely to see.
I can very much relate to your tale of woe. My twin had been to Outward Bound and after telling many a tale of great adventure. He was up in Wellington for work and whilst there catching up with his fellow Outward Bound colleague Joe. They hatched a plan, that they would revisit the mighty Rai Falls that they had intrepidly kayaked over. They'd fly over from Wellington and I'd drive my brothers van up fro Christchurch with our two kayaks and my twins wife. That was a lovely drive as the drivers seat was worn out and my skinny butt was largely sitting on the springs sandwiched against the body work. By the time I got over the bumpy of single lane bridge near Seddon, that was enough.
Anyway We got to the little 'airport' at Koromiko to collect the other two before heading to the accommodation for the night. My brother and his mate grabbed there gear and wandered over, where I was the last to discoverer that Joe was not a Joseph but a Joanne, and that I'd be sharing a room with Joe. Thanks brother! And looking at the grin on her face, thanks sister-in-law. Anyway, I resolved to be stuck in this situation and was looking forward to these big dangerous and tricky falls to kayak over, so there was at least some consolation.
That evening as my brother and Joe recounted stories of their trials at Outward Bound and talked of these falls I grew more keen. The following day as we continued the drive the talking continued and these falls were really starting to sound a bit more interesting. I gathered there was a drop of 2.4-3.0m with and absolute torrent of water flowing over them. We got to the river and found a park where the gear was unloaded, skirt put on around my waste and life jacket donned. The Yak was hoisted to my shoulder and we started walking along the river. After a couple of minutes walking I politely enquired, "how far along the river are these falls?" To my surprise I was informed that we'd arrived and that I was standing just above them. A survey of my surroundings showed this little drop, not even up to my knee, with a trickle of water struggling over the stones. The disappointment, having endured the pain from that seat and having to sleep in a room with a female!
Oh well we had a quick paddle then went for a drive to see these massive mountains, little knobs, they had climbed and all of these other obstacles, equally underwhelming, they encountered. The one thing I took away from the weekend was if you get two ex-Outward Bounders together you get the biggest pair of liars that ever drew breath.
In my short long winded way, at least with your trip you will not be disappointed by your destination. It is a magic place.