So i took my nephew and another dad son combo out for a hunt in the weekend trying to get some meat for the freezer and get onto a deer for my nephew.
Managed a nice eating red yearling in the evening and went for a look in the morning and ended up shooting this thing stuffing her face on the crop paddock
I initially thought it was a fallow but i have never seen fallow there in 13 years of hunting the property
On closer inspection and talking to a few fellow hunters im pretty sure that its a Melanistic (Black) Red Deer
Im after a bit more information on them if anyone knows or has anything?
The deer was only young, yearling or 2 year old and when i skinned it, it had black fatty around the tail (which fallow don't have)
Lets hope it doesn't blow up here as it did on facebook haha im sure there's quite a few less keyboard warriors here